Free Animal Life 01 Practice Test - 5th Grade
Question 1
The evolution of modern humans started around
Solution : D
The first humans evolved from monkey-like ancestors around 200,000 years ago.
Question 2
Sharp long teeth is a common feature among herbivores.
Solution : B
Sharp teeth and claws are the features commonly found in carnivores. It helps them to tear meat apart. Tigers and lions are examples of carnivores.
Herbivores have flat teeth to grind food like stems, leaves and roots. Cows are the examples of herbivores.
Question 3
Bears are:
Solution : C
Bears eat berries, roots, grass as well as fish and other smaller animals.
Omnivores eat both animals and plants. Hence it is an omnivore.
Question 4
Pick the correct option based on the diet of the given animals:
1. Owl: ________
2. Tapeworm: _______
Solution : A
1. Owls feed on small prey like insects, rats etc. So, they are carnivorous.
2. Tapeworms live inside the host's body and feed on their nutrients, harming the host in turn. Hence they are parasites.
Question 5
Sloths are found in a/an
Solution : A
Sloths are slow mammals which spend most of their life on tree-tops. Animals living on trees are called arboreal animals. Sloths live in arboreal habitat.
Question 6
Gills are useful for:
breathing underwater
moving quickly in water
flapping fins
taking in dissolved oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide
Solution : A and D
Fishes have gills to breathe underwater. These gills allow them to absorb dissolved oxygen and filter out carbon dioxide.
Question 7
Whales and dolphins have
Solution : B
Dolphins and whales have lungs like humans that cannot take in oxygen dissolved in water. So they come up to the surface of water to breathe in air through their blowholes. These blowholes are nothing but nostrils at the back of their head.
Question 8
Lions, tigers and cheetahs are examples of ________.
Solution : A
Lions, tigers and cheetahs hunt and eat flesh for their survival.
Since they only eat flesh and meat of other animals for their food, they are classified as carnivores.
Question 9
The body of a bird is shaped like a boat to help them:
Solution : A
The boat-shaped body helps birds while flying in the air.
They have wings made up of feathers and strong bones which also help them in flying.
Question 10
Dinosaur's fossil confirms their existence.
Solution : A
∙ Existense of dinosaurs is confirmed by fossils.
∙ Fossils are preserved remains or impressions of dead animals which existed in the past.
∙ These fossils tell us about the existence of animals even if they died billions of years ago.