Free Animal Life 01 Practice Test - 4th Grade
Question 1
Pick the correct option based on the diet of the given animals:
1. Owl: ________
2. Tapeworm: _______
Solution : A
1. Owls feed on small prey like insects, rats etc. So, they are carnivorous.
2. Tapeworms live inside the host's body and feed on their nutrients, harming the host in turn. Hence they are parasites.
Question 2
Sloths are found in a/an
Solution : A
Sloths are slow mammals which spend most of their life on tree-tops. Animals living on trees are called arboreal animals. Sloths live in arboreal habitat.
Question 3
Lions, tigers and cheetahs are examples of ________.
Solution : A
Lions, tigers and cheetahs hunt and eat flesh for their survival.
Since they only eat flesh and meat of other animals for their food, they are classified as carnivores.
Question 4
____ are animals that feed on both plants and animals.
Solution : B
Omnivores are the type of animals that can feed on animals as well as plants for their survival.
Crows and bears are examples of omnivores.
Question 5
Fill in the blank with the correct option.
Solution : A
Vultures feed on dead and decaying plants and animals. Animals feeding on dead animals fall under the category of scavengers.
Question 6
Select the parasite that also feeds on blood.
Solution : B
Out of the options, leeches are parasites. They feed on the blood of host body.
Question 7
The body of a bird is shaped like a boat to help them:
Solution : A
The boat-shaped body helps birds while flying in the air.
They have wings made up of feathers and strong bones which also help them in flying.
Question 8
________ help animals in hearing.
Solution : C
Ears help animals in hearing different sounds around them. Some animals have visible and some have invisible ears. Animals like snakes and ants do not have ears, so they rely on other body parts to detect vibrations and smell instead of sound.
Question 9
From the following, select the animals having visible ears.
Solution : A, B, and D
From the given options rabbit, elephant and bat have visible ears. Parrot on the other hand also have ears but are not visible as they are hidden under their feathers.
Question 10
Crocodiles have a tough layer called ____ to protect their bodies.
Solution : B
Crocodiles have scales to protect their soft body. These scales also provide a good grip while sliding through the land.