Free Central Government - 13 Practice Test - IAS 

Question 1

Who convenes the joint sessions of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

A. The speaker
B. The chairman of the Rajya Sabha
C. The President
D. The minister for Parliamentary affairs


Solution : C


Question 2

The chairman of the Rajya Sabha has

A. A vote only in case of a tie
B. A vote like any other member of the Rajya Sabha
C. No vote because he is an ex-officio chairman of the house
D. Two votes"”an ordinary vote and casting vote


Solution : A


Question 3

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The vice-President of India is the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabh
B. The chairman of the Rajya Sabha is nominated by the President in consultation with the Prime Minister
C. The Attorney General of India acts as the chairman of the Rajya Sabha, in addition to performing the duties of his office
D. The chairman of the Rajya Sabha is elected by the members of Rajya Sabha from amongst themselves


Solution : A


Question 4

The chairman of the Rajya Sabha

A. Is elected by the members of Rajya Sabha
B. Is elected by the members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
C. Is nominated by the President
D. Is elected by the Lok Sabha


Solution : B


Question 5

The secretary general of the Lok Sabha, who is the chief of the Lok Sabha secretariat, is appointed by

A. The President
B. The speaker
C. The minister for Parliamentary affairs in consultation with the speaker
D. A committee of the house, especially constituted for this purpose


Solution : B


Question 6

The Rajya Sabha is a permanent house but

A. One-third of its members retire every two years
B. One-half of its members retire after three years
C. One-fifth of its members retire every year
D. One half of its member retire after two years


Solution : A


Question 7

In the Rajya Sabha, the states have been provided

A. Equal representation
B. Representation on the basis of population
C. Representation on the basis of population as well as size
D. Representation on the basis of size


Solution : B


Question 8

The Rajya Sabha, which is the upper house of Parliament, has a maximum strength of

A. 250 members
B. 225 members
C. 330 members
D. 350 members


Solution : A


Question 9

The Lok Sabha secretariat works under the direct supervision of

A. The speaker
B. The minister for Parliamentary affairs
C. The President of India
D. None of the above


Solution : A


Question 10

Lok Sabha passes vote on account to

A. Meet the expenditure during the period between the introduction of budget and its passage
B. To meet expenditure on secret services to enable the government
C. To meet unexpected expenditure
D. None of the above


Solution : A