Free Objective Test 02 Practice Test - 11th and 12th
Question 1
Water flows at a speed of 6 cm s-1 through a tube of radius 1 cm. Coefficient of viscosity of water at room temperature is 0.01 poise. Calculate the Reynolds number. Is it a steady flow?
60, yes
60, no
120, yes
120, no
Solution : C
You know,
Reynolds number, N=ρvDη
Where, ρ = density of fluidv = velocity of flow of the fluid
D = diameter of the tube
η = coefficient of viscosity of the fluid
{all values in SI}
N = 120 {Dimensionless}, yes the flow is steady
Question 2
A spherical ballof radius 3.0×10−4m and density 104 kg/m3 falls freely under gravity through a distance h it before entering a tank of water (coefficient of viscosity = η = 9.8×10−6Nsm−2 and density = 103kg/m3. If after entering the water, the velocity of the ball does not change, find~h.(Take g =9.8 ms−2)
10.24 m
1.65 km
32.36 m
50.12 m
Solution : B
Terminal velocity,
Question 3
A long cylindrical rod of radius R1 is placed co-axially inside a cylindrical tube of radius R2(>R1) filled withviscous liquid and pulled along the axis with a constant velocity. In steady state the velocity gradient (dvdr) depends on the distance from the common axis 'r' as proportional to
Solution : B
Question 4
Which of the following processes will be least affected by the viscosity of water ?
Water flowing through a pipe
Air bubble rising up through water
A wide, shallow sheet of water flowing on a flat surface
Water flowing out through a hole in the side of a tank
Solution : D
When water flows out of a hole in a tank, it is in contact with the edges of the hole over a very small area, and therefore viscosity effects are small
Question 5
An ice berg of density 900 Kg/m3 is floating in water of density 1000 Kg/m3. The percentage of volume of ice-cube outside the water is
Solution : C
Let the total volume of ice-berg is V and its density is ρ. If this ice-berg floats in water with volume Vin inside
it then Vinσg=Vρg⇒Vin=⟮ρσ⟯V [σ = density of water]
or Vout=V−Vin=⟮σ−ρσ⟯V
∴Vout=10% of V
Question 6
A body of density d1 is counterpoised by Mg of weights of density d2 in air of density d. Then the true mass of the body is
Solution : D
Let MO=mass of body in vacuum.
Apparent weight of the body in air = Apparent weight of standard weights in air
Actual weight of the body - upthrust due to displaced air
= Actual weight of the weights- upthrust due to displaced air
Question 7
Density of ice is ρ and that of water is σ. What will be the decrease in volume when a mass M of ice melts
Solution : C
Volume of ice = Mρ, volume of water = Mσ
∴ Change in volume = Mρ−Mσ=M⟮1ρ−1σ⟯
Question 8
Two bodies are in equilibrium when suspended in water from the arms of a balance. The mass of one body is 36 g and its density is 9 g / cm3. If the mass of the other is 48 g, its density in g / cm3 is
Solution : C
Apparent weight = V(ρ−σ)g = mρ(ρ−σ)g
where m = mass of the body,
ρ = density of the body
σ = density of water
If two bodies are in equilibrium then their apparent weight must be equal.
∴m1ρ1(ρ1−σ) = m2ρ2(ρ2−σ)
⇒369(9−1) = 48ρ2(ρ2−1)
By solving we get ρ2 = 3
Question 9
A large tank filled with water to a height 'h' is to be emptied through a small hole at the bottom. The ratio of time taken for the level of water to fall from h to h/2 and from h/2 to zero is
Solution : C
Time taken for the level to fall from H to H' t=AA0√2g[√H−√H′]
According to problem - the time taken for the level to fall from h to h2 t1=AA0√2g[√h−√h2]
and similarly time taken for the level to fall from h2 to zero t2=AA0√2g[√h2−0] ∴t1t2=1−1√21√2−0=√2−1
Question 10
Air is streaming past a horizontal air plane wing such that its speed is 120m/s over the upper surface and 90 m/s at the lower surface. If the density of air is 1.3 kg per metre3 and the wing is 10 m long and has an average width of 2 m, then the difference of the pressure on the two sides of the wing is
4095.0 Pascal
409.50 Pascal
40.950 Pascal
4.0950 Pascal
Solution : A
From the Bernoulli's theorem
=4095 N/m2 or Pascal
Question 11
A manometer connected to a closed tap reads 3.5 × 105 N/m2. When the valve is opened, the reading of manometer falls to 3.0 × 105 N/m2, then velocity of flow of water is
100 m/s
10 m/s
1 m/s
10 .10m/s
Solution : B
Bernoulli's theorem for unit mass of liquid
Pρ+12v2 = constant
As the liquid starts flowing, it pressure energy decreases 12v2=P1−p2ρ⇒12v2=3.5×105−3×105103
Question 12
In the following fig. is shown the flow of liquid through a horizontal pipe. Three tubes A, B and C are connected to the pipe. The radii of the tubes A, B and C at the junction are respectively 2 cm, 1 cm and 2 cm. It can be said that the
Height of the liquid in the tube A is maximum
Height of the liquid in the tubes A and B is the same
Height of the liquid in all the three tubes is the same
Height of the liquid in the tubes A and C is the same
Solution : D
As cross-section areas of both the tubes A and C are same and tube is horizontal. Hence according to equation of continuity vA=vC and therefore according to Bernoulli's theorem PA=PC i.e. height of liquid is same in both the tubes A and C.
Question 13
Water is moving with a speed of 5.18 ms−1 through a pipe with a cross-sectional area of 4.20 cm2. The water gradually descends 9.66 m as the pipe increase in area to 7.60 cm2. The speed of flow at the lower level is
3.0 ms−1
5.7 ms−1
3.82 ms−1
2.86 ms−1
Solution : D
Question 14
For which of the two pairs, the angle of contact is same
Water and glass; glass and mercury
Pure water and glass; glass and alcohol
Silver and water; mercury and glass
Silver and chromium; water and chromium
Solution : B
Both liquids water and alcohol have same nature (i.e. wet the solid). Hence angle of contact for both is acute.
Question 15
A soap bubble assumes a spherical surface. Which of the following statement is wrong
The soap film consists of two surface layers of molecules back to back
The bubble encloses air inside it
The pressure of air inside the bubble is less than the atmospheric pressure; that is why the atmospheric pressure has compressed it equally from all sides to give it a spherical shape
Because of the elastic property of the film, it will tend
Solution : C
The pressure of air inside the bubble is less than the atmospheric pressure; that is why the atmospheric pressure has compressed it equally from all sides to give it a spherical shape
Question 16
The excess of pressure inside a soap bubble than that of the outer pressure is
Solution : B
The pressure inside the bubble is more than outside. Inside pressure -outside pressure =excess pressure. In the case of bubble excess pressure = 4S/R. where s is the surface tension and r is the radius.