Free Polity Misc - 02 Practice Test - IAS 

Question 1

Which of the following amendments was the most comprehensive amendment of the constitution and described as mini revision of constitution'?

A. The 52nd amendment
B. The 42nd amendment
C. The 44th amendment
D. The 68th amendment


Solution : B


Question 2

The central government gives grants-in-aid to the states out of the consolidated fund of India on the basis of the recommendations of

A. The Planning Commission
B. The union finance minister
C. The finance commission
D. None of the above


Solution : C


Question 3

The following is the centralising features of the Indian federalism

A. Single citizenship
B. Decentralisation of powers
C. Dual polity
D. None of the above


Solution : A


Question 4

Which of the following statements correctly depicts the true nature of the Indian federal system?

A. The Indian federation is more a functional than an institutional concept
B. A one-dominant-party regime which is in conflict with the principle of federalism
C. The Indian federation is not the result of an agreement between the units
D. It is a unitary state with subsidiary federal features rather than a federal state with subsidiary unitary features


Solution : D


Question 5

Under the constitution, the central government collect various types of taxes, which it has to share with the state governments. Which of the following enjoys constitutional authority to decide the share of the states in the taxes?

A. The union finance minister
B. The finance commission
C. The Planning Commission
D. The union cabinet in consultation with the President


Solution : B


Question 6

Which of the following is in the concurrent list?

A. Population control and family planning
B. Public health and sanitation
C. Capitation taxes
D. Treasure trove


Solution : A


Question 7

Who enacts the laws for the those union territories which do not have legislative assembly?

A. The chief administrative officer of the territory
B. The Parliament
C. The President
D. Union home minister


Solution : B


Question 8

The amendment procedure of the Indian constitution has been modelled on the constitutional pattern of

A. Union of south Africa
B. Canada
D. Switzerland


Solution : A


Question 9

Which of the following articles deals with the amendment procedure of the constitution?

A. Article 368
B. Article 358
C. Article 367
D. All of these


Solution : A


Question 10

On whose initiative, an amendment in the constitution can be made with regard to the states:

A. President
B. State legislature
C. Prime Minister
D. Supreme Court


Solution : B