Free Reproduction in Organisms 01 Practice Test - 7th grade
Question 1
A flower can have both male and female reproductive parts.
Solution : A
A flower can have both male and female reproductive parts. The male part is called androecium and the female part is called gynoecium. Such flowers are called bisexual flowers. E.g., hibiscus, lily etc.
Question 2
A fruit is a ripened ovary.
Solution : A
Ovaries develop into fruits and ovules into seeds after fertilization. These fruits are responsible for dispersing the seeds that contain the embryo. They protect the seeds and help in the growth of a new plant.
Question 3
In asexual reproduction, plants reproduce without seeds.
Solution : A
Asexual reproduction is a method of reproduction which requires only one parent. There is no exchange of genetic information and the offsprings are identical to the parent due to which seed formation is not required. Hence, plants reproduce without seeds through methods such as budding, vegetative propagation and fragmentation.
Question 4
Bisexual flowers mostly undergo which type of pollination?
Self and cross-pollination
They do not undergo pollination
Solution : C
Bisexual flowers have both the male and female reproductive parts. This means they can pollinate themselves or another flower on the same plant (self-pollination) or pollinate another flower of the same species of another plant (cross-pollination).
Question 5
Which of the following are asexual modes of reproduction in plants?
I: Pollination
II: Vegetative propagation
III: Fragmentation
IV: Spore formation
I and III
II and III
I, II, III and IV
II, III and IV
Solution : D
Asexual reproduction produces new individuals without the fusion of gametes. Offspring generated this way are genetically identical to their parents. The types of asexual reproduction in plants are vegetative propagation, fragmentation and spore formation. Pollination is a phenomenon associated with sexual reproduction that involves the transfer of male gametes. Hence choices II, III and IV are correct.
Question 6
Which of the following plants have seeds that do NOT get dispersed with the help of wind?
Solution : D
Seeds from plants such as dandelions are light and have feathery bristles. They can be easily carried away to a long distance by the wind. Whereas some plants, like drumstick and maple trees, have ‘winged’ seeds. These seeds don’t float away but flutter to the ground. Both drumstick and maple tree seeds are dispersed by the wind.
Question 7
Which of the following can be present in a female unisexual flower?
I: Filament
II: Anther
III: Stigma
IV: Ovary
I and III
I, II, III and IV
II and IV
III and IV
Solution : D
Flowers are said to be unisexual if they possess either stamen or carpel but not both. The stamen (male part) of a flower is the part that produces pollen and consists of filament and anther. A carpel or pistil (female part) consists of a stigma which is the part of the pistil where pollen is received and an ovary that houses the female gamete. Based on this we can say that, stigma and ovary are present only in female unisexual flowers.
Question 8
Which of the following is a mode of seed dispersal?
Solution : A, B, and C
Seed dispersal is defined as the transport of seeds away from the parent plant. Seed dispersal ensures that plants are distributed well in its habitat. There are five main modes of seed dispersal namely, gravity, wind, ballistic, water and biotic (by animals).
Question 9
Which of the following is an example of unisexual flower?
Solution : C
A flower is unisexual if it possesses either stamen (the male reproductive part) or carpels (the female reproductive part) but not both. Bisexual flowers contain both these parts. An example of unisexual flower is maize.
Question 10
Fragmentation is a mode of reproduction observed in
Solution : B
Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction, in which an organism splits into fragments. Each of these fragments develops into mature, fully grown individuals that are clones of the original organism. Algae reproduce asexually with the help of this method. Spirogyra is a multicellular filamentous green alga found in fresh water.