Free Verbal Practice Test - CAT
Question 1
Book Reviewers who wish to have one of their book reviews nominated for the prestigious National Books Critics Circle award should not submit book review articles that review more than three books at a time. This is because editors for the National Books Critics CircleReview will not publish a book review article if it is too lengthy and cumbersome to read. In their submission guidelines, the editors explicitly state that review articles that cover more than three books at a time are considered too lengthy and cumbersome to read. Which of the following statements represents an assumption upon which the arguments above depend?
The books review article that covers the most books must be the lengthiest and most cumbersome article to read.
All articles published in the National Books Critics Circle Review must be limited to a certain length specified by the editors.
To be nominated for the National Books Critics Circle award, a Reviewer's book review article must be published in the National Books Critics Circle Review .
Solution : D
The author concludes that Book Reviewers who want their work to be nominated for the National Books Critics Circle award should only submit articles containing reviews on three or fewer books. The evidence follows: the National Books Critics Circle basically will not publish any book review article that reviews more than three books. Look back over the conclusion and evidence and you'll realize that they aren't really talking about the same thing. The conclusion is about what one should do in order to get his work nominated for the award, and the evidence is about what one should do in order to get his work published. That's classic scope shift. The only way to make these two different subjects relate to one another is to assume that one must have a review article published in the Review in order to be eligible for the award. Otherwise, the evidence about publication requirements would have no relevance to the conclusion about nomination requirements.
Question 2
Aromatherapy is a term used to describe the practice of using essential oils taken from plants, flowers, roots, seeds, etc., in healing. The term is a bit misleading, since the aromas of oils, whether natural or synthetic, are generally not themselves therapeutic. Aromas are used to identify the oils, to determine adulteration, and to stir the memory, but not to directly bring about a cure or healing.
The above argument assumes that:
The aroma of the oil gives it whatever therapeutic value it might have.
Vapors are used in some but not all cases of aromatherapy.
The oil is rubbed onto the skin or ingested in a tea or other liquid for healing.
The healing power of essential oils is the main draw in aromatherapy.
Solution : D
Aromatherapy may have a number of uses. The given paragraph/argument assumes that a cure or healing power of the oils is the main attraction. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
Question 3
Person A "In the past ten years, most of the new clothes that I have purchased have fallen apart within a few short years. However, all of the clothes that I have purchased at vintage clothing shops are still in excellent condition, despite the fact that they were all over thirty years old at the time that I brought them. Clearly, clothes are not manufactured as well today as they were when those vintage clothes were made”
Which of the following is a weakness in the argument above?
It fails to demonstrate that the clothes manufactured thirty years ago were of higher quality than clothes of all other eras.
It confuses the number of clothing items sold with the proportion of those items that are no longer useful.
It fails to take into account clothes made over thirty years ago that are no longer fit for sale.
Solution : D
Person A compares all the clothes he has bought within the last ten years to only the clothes that have survived 30 years before he purchased them. The correct answer should point out the dubious nature of his comparison, and indeed, choice (D) points out the inappropriateness of this kind of comparison. The only "vintage” clothes he takes into account are those that have proven to be extremely durable. So it isn't much of a surprise that they're still functional. Person A doesn't consider the clothes made long ago that have fallen apart, so he can't evaluate the overall standards of that era.
(A)The argument doesn't address all eras, so the person doesn't have to compare the clothes made 30 years ago with those of every other era.
(B)The person's argument does not address cost at all - just quality. Considering cost would not affect the validity of the argument.
(C)The person doesn't take into account vintage clothes that are no longer fit for sale , but he never equates the proportion of tattered clothes with the total number of clothing items sold. So choice (C) doesn't describe a weakness in the argument.
Question 4
Which of the following is false about knowledge, as evident from the author's views in the passage?
Every case of knowledge is a case of true belief but not vice versa.
Evidence is the component, which along with truth and belief, in most of the cases, gives rise to knowledge completely.
'Inductive' methods of inference are probabilistic in their conclusions, lacking self-evidence.
None of these.
Solution : B
Let us look at the lines in the passage:
"every case of knowledge is a case of true belief, but not vice versa”.
Option (a) is true. So it can't be correct.
Let us have a look at these lines from the last paragraph:
"In the fourth place, the methods of inference that may be called in a broad sense "inductive” have never been satisfactorily formulated; when formulated, even if completely true, they only give probability to their conclusions. Moreover, in any possibly accurate form, they lack self-evidence,”
Option (c) is true. So it can't be the answer.
Let us look at these lines from the third paragraph:
"What character in addition to truth must a belief have in order to count as knowledge? The plain man would say there must be sound evidence to support the belief. As a matter of common sense this is right in most of the cases in which doubt arises in practice, but if intended as a complete account of the matter, it is very inadequate.”
The author's view is that evidence in addition to truth and belief does not give rise to knowledge completely.
So option (b) Is false. The correct answer is option (b).
Question 5
The passage relates to studies on:
Logic and Deductions
Solution : C
Option (a) is junk as this passage is definitely not about sociology. It Is not talking about relationships or human relations.
This passage is definitely not about the minds of people. So option (b) is also wrong.
Option (d) is too specific. It could be the topic of the last paragraph.
Option (c) is the best answer. Philosophy can also be defined as values and beliefs.
This passage Is definitely about beliefs. So the best answer is option (c).
Question 6
Which one of the following analogies does not resemble the reasoning given by the author in this passage?
A woman firmly believes that her husband's nickname begins with a "P”, but who believes this is because she thinks that his nickname is Prince but actually it is Pauper
A person, whose horse is very lucky, believes that his horse will win the race and his horse being lucky, wins the race.
'A student knows he will definitely get the first rank because he works very hard compared to all the other students and he does get the first rank' as well as 'A person, whose horse is very lucky, believes that his horse will win the race and his horse being lucky, wins the race.'
Solution : A
Let us look at these lines in the second paragraph:
"There is the man who believes, truly, that the last name of the Prime Minister in 1906 began with a B, but who believes this is because he thinks that Balfour was Prime Minister then, whereas in fact it was Campbell-Bannerman. There is the lucky optimist who, having bought a ticket for a lottery, has an unshakeable conviction that he will win, and, being lucky, does win. Such instances can be multiplied indefinitely, and show that you cannot; claim to have known merely because you turned out to be right.”
Only option (a) does not match the reasoning given by the author. Option (b) and (c) do match the reasoning. So the answer is option (a).
Question 7
What does the author mean by the terms 'infinite regress' or 'vicious circle' in this passage?
Certain matters of fact and certain principles of inference should not stand in need of extraneous evidence
These terms are involved with matters of facts and principles of inference which might make the process unsatisfactory
Evidence supporting principles of inference and matter of facts
Principles of matter supporting matter of facts and matter of facts supporting principles of matter in a circular manner.
Solution : C
This is a very simple data based question. Have a look at these lines -
"It is obvious that this process is unsatisfactory unless we know the matters of fact and the principles of inference not merely by means of evidence, for otherwise we become involved in a vicious circle or an endless regress”.
"We may then say that what is known consists, first, of certain matters of fact and certain principles of inference, neither of which stands in need of extraneous evidence”.
The author states that matters of fact and principles of inference must not be known in terms of evidence or evidence should not be used to support matters of fact and principles of inference. If this happens (i.e. evidence is used to support matters of fact or principles of inference, we will be involved in a vicious circle or an endless regress).
The correct answer is option (c).
Option (d) defines what infinite regress is but that is not the way author defines it.
Option (a) is exactly the opposite answer.
Option (b) is too generic and does not define what is infinite regress.
Question 8
Solution : D
“Hang-on” means “to hold fast to”. Its usage in the fourth sentence is wrong.
Question 9
When the opposition party leader put a puzzling question, the minister looked hard at him.
The carpenter hit the nail hard into the plank
Tell me frankly how can you fail in the examination that is written hard?
Why should anyone react hard, when you demand a hike in pay?
Solution : C
While one can work hard, one cannot write hard.
Question 10
(a) Yuvraj Singh’s 6 sixes in an over in the match against England in the Twenty 20 World Cup helped him score the fastest 50 in any form of cricket.
(b) India would have lost the game against England if Yuvraj had not played.
(c) Yuvraj’s innings propelled India to a score which would have otherwise been difficult to reach.
(d) Yuvraj Singh won the Man of the Match award for his outstanding performance in India’s match against England.
Solution : C
Statements (a) & (d) are verifiable and hence facts. Statements (b) and (c) are personal opinions/ judgments.
Question 11
(a) Reddys are now on the defensive since it has been established beyond doubt that the community was behind the attacks launched on the Dalit community of the state.
(b) From the report submitted by the investigating agency it appears that the preplanned attack against the Dalits was another futile attempt by the Reddys to reassert their age old authority which had seen fissures with the growing assertion of the Dalits.
(c) Twenty one of the accused have been given life imprisonment while thirty five of the accused have been asked to serve one year rigorous imprisonment.
(d) A coalition of Dalit organizations has been pressing the government to file a petition in the upper court to challenge the acquittal.
Solution : B
Statements (c) & (d) are clearly facts since they are verifiable. Statement (a) is a judgment since ‘Reddys being on the defensive’ could be the writer’s perspective.
Question 12
(a) SEBI has given an ‘informal guidance’ to Insilco on the buyback of Non-convertible Debentures.
(b) This move could serve as a useful guide for other companies who may have similar plans.
(c) The debentures are due for redemption in three annual installments.
(d) Insilco may go ahead with early redemption since SEBI has clarified the process.
Solution : C
Statements (a) & (c) are facts. Statement (b) is an opinion expressing approval and hence a judgment. Statement (d) is an inference –a conclusion about the unknown based on the reasoning offered in the statement.
Question 13
There are partnerships where one person is more emotional than the other. He seems to be needy, intense and possessive, whereas she plays an uninvolved role and becomes the vamp. The psychological forces at work in such a bond is the fact that the first fears that if he does not fill the emotional void, then the relationship will deflate like a failed soufflé. In all practicality, the space needed within a relationship must be almost equal. _________________________
(a) If you find yourself to be in such a predicament, where you take up too much of the common space, the only way to go further is to back off a little bit, let your significant other come to you.
(b) In salsa dancing also, one has to respect the other's space and not overcrowd them.
(c) In trivial pursuits, space is of such significance and so the value of it in relationship is all the more.
(d) It can be understood with the help of a concept as simple as kabaddi- that if you cross the line beyond a point, only you will lose and be made to sit out for the rest of the game.
If you find yourself to be in such a predicament, where you take up too much of the common space, the only way to go further is to back off a little bit, let your significant other come to you.
In salsa dancing also, one has to respect the other's space and not overcrowd them.
In trivial pursuits, space is of such significance and so the value of it in relationship is all the more.
It can be understood with the help of a concept as simple as kabaddi- that if you cross the line beyond a point, only you will lose and be made to sit out for the rest of the game
Solution : D
The passage talks about relationships and the importance of space given to each person. If one person gets too needy then the whole relationship is lost. Option (a) says that one has to back off and let the other come to you. But this is not mentioned in the passage. The passage only says that each has to give the other enough space. Option (b) brings in salsa dancing which is irrelevant here. In option (c), "trivial pursuits” makes the answers wrong as the partnership is not a trivial one. In option (d) an analogy is drawn to better understand the main idea. Hence this is the answer.
Question 14
"I know but one freedom, and that is the freedom of mind,” says Antoine de Saint - Exupery, the French pilot, writer and author of the Little Prince (1900-1944). On these lines, let's fast forward to an age where old values are remodeled and reshaped into a new package, one that brings fresh life, flavour and zest to the spirit of Indian freedom. Free India, as we know today, has changed drastically. ___________________________
With the fundamental rights at the helm, India is marching ahead to conquer new heights and new horizons.
New age India is a place to be in and to enjoy.
It is a place where the boundaries have been erased, cultures have merged and societies are thinking alike, to grow and to see one nation- India
No longer simply an epicenter of outsourcing, India is riding a new wave of globalization, as the economies of the technology business turn it into a regional design and development hub.
Solution : A
The phrase "spirit of Indian freedom” from the passage suggests what is expected in the last line. Option (b) is too vague. It cannot be the answer. Option (c) talks about culture and boundaries which is not specifically following from the idea given in the passage. The spirit of freedom mentioned has more to do with fundamental rights than with cultural freedom. Option (d) goes out of scope as globalization; economies and technology have nowhere been mentioned in the passage. Option (a) follows logically by saying that the new freedom in India is due to the fundamental rights.
Question 15
Which of the following were true as per the passage?
The technical approach to management education is not neutral
Management practice is primarily of a socio-relational and political nature
Purely technical views on management practice are moral or effective
The technical approach to management education is not neutral and management practice is primarily of a socio-relational and political nature
Solution : C
This is a very simple question provided you read the stem of the question properly.
The stem is "Which of the following were true as per the passage?” i.e. which of the options were true (in the past and not in the present day).
Both (a) and (b) are true today as per the passage. They were not true in the past. These are latest trends.
Only option (c) was true in the past and not true today.
So option (c) is the correct answer.Moral of the question: " Please read the stem of the question before you answer the question”.
Question 16
According to the passage, education in management will continue to be prime of importance only if:
The managers are able to achieve significant success based on this education.
It is inclusive and accepts daily dilemmas, both moral and instrumental.
It does not play along with insecurity and greed.
Solution : B
It is a tough question. Again you are expected to read the question carefully. The stem states "education in management will continue to be of prime importance”. That is how it will be of importance in the future.
Look at these lines in the last paragraph:
"Business studies and management education score well on both criteria. However, this will remain true only if people continue to feel there is a positive relationship between management education, results in management practice, and managers' individual achievements.”
The author states that management education will remain true (continue to remain important in the future) only if there is a positive relationship between management education and managers' individual achievement based on this education.Option (a) and (c) are there in the passage. They are considered important for the management education to be relevant today but if management education has to be relevant in the future then (b) has to be there.
Question 17
Which of the following would best support the author's contention, as brought out in the passage?
The role of one's own behaviour in the production and reproduction of organizational life is to be understood
The importance of safeguarding student's careers are illustrated best by management programmes.
The last two decades have increasingly validated the utility and relevance of management education.
All of these
Solution : D
This is the easiest question for this passage.
Option (a) has support in the first paragraph. Option (b) has support in the second paragraph. Option (c) has support in the last but one paragraph.
So the correct answer is option (d).
Question 18
It can be inferred from the passage that the students of management education:
Discover that truth is made and discovered easily.
Dread experimental learning as they have inhibitions in expressing their emotions.
Consider everyone or everything as a stepping stone or an obstacle in safeguarding their careers.
Discuss power problems and underlying dynamic processes as they have no escape route left.
Solution : D
Option (a) is a junk option. They might discover that truth is made. But truth need not be discovered easily.
Option (b) - Students do not dread experimental learning. In fact they do adopt this method of learning. Dread is too strong a word. In inference questions, strong words are not preferred.
Option (c) - Look at these lines in the second paragraph:
"MBA programs strongly advise students on the importance of safeguarding their careers. Almost everything and everyone is seen as a stepping stone or an obstacle in realizing this end”.
We have some support for option (c).
Option (d) - Look at these lines in the third paragraph:
"In education and educational matters it helps to explicitly discuss the tendency people have of avoiding emotions or discussions on power problems and underlying dynamic processes. The thing that makes experimental learning so very valuable is not possible until there is no escape route left. Students and other participants in the programme will initially be opposed to expressing their emotions and will also feel ill at ease, but getting over this helps and facilitates their learning. It is no less important to stimulate the capacity to doubt the truth of perceptions. For truth is made, not discussed."
Again we have some support for option (d).
It is now a close call between option (c) and (d). For option (c), the supporting lines state that the MBA programs advise students. It is not necessary that the students follow what they have been advised. Look at the supporting lines for option (d): The students practise experimental learning as there is no escape route left. They use it to express emotions and also to discuss power problems and underlying dynamic process.So option (d) is the correct answer.
Question 19
The author will not accept a manager who doesn't have which of the below qualities?
Tangible and approachable
Resourceful in dealing with insecurity, debts and mysteries
Capacity to doubt the truth of perception
All except the capacity to doubt the truth of perception
Solution : C
A really tough one..!!
Look at these lines in the last but two paragraphs:
"This means an education plan which emphasizes that a manager will always be a tangible, approachable person have to learn to deal with the insecurity, doubts and mysteries.”
The lines state that an education plan must emphasize....... The author does not define these qualities "must be qualities” for a manager.
Have a look at these lines in the fourth paragraph:
"However, it is far less understandable if it is managers who become the unwitting prisoner of supposed "instrumental” perception.”
The author is not ready to accept or he is not able to understand a manager who becomes a prisoner of an instrumental perception i.e. if a manager does not have the capacity to doubt the truth of perception, the author is not ready to accept him as a manager.So option (c) is the correct answer.
Question 20
The main idea of the poem is that:
Death is very kind to its victims and drives them away from mundane things such as setting sun, fields of gazing grain, children's play etc to eternity
Death is dull; its chief torment is boredom
Death is a gentle timeless journey, simply leaving life's cares behind
Death leads man to eternity.
Solution : C
Although the question is based on a poem, the rules of RC do hold true here. It is a very simple question.
This choice fits the kindness of Death, as stated by the speaker, as well as the fact that Death knew no haste. Also it includes the idea that the speaker put away . . . labour and leisure, too, for his civility. This supports the image of Death as gentle, timeless, and leaving of life’s cares behind.
Option (a) is a half baked answer.
Option (b) is not an idea presented by the poem, but rather one the reader may hold of Death’s journey.
Option (d) is not broad enough to support all the ideas of Death that are presented in the poem; it just refers to the last line.
Question 21
Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
Implicit in the terminology of the school of criticism known as deconstruction are meanings that reveal the true nature of the deconstructionist's endeavor
The appearance of the certain terms signifier and signified in the field of literary theory anticipated the appearance of an even more radical idea known as deconstruction which was used by the contemporary school of literary criticism
Innovations in language and relations between old and new meanings of terms are a special concern of the new school of criticism known as deconstruction
Deconstructionists maintain that it is insufficient merely to judge a work: the critic must actively dismantle it.
Solution : A
Sum up the last line of the first paragraph “This seems especially true of the language of the contemporary school of literary criticism that now prefers to describe its work simply and rather presumptuously as theory but is still popularly referred to as poststructuralism of deconstruction.”
And the last line of the last paragraph: “The deconstructionist, by implication, is both judge and executioner who leaves a text totally dismantled, if not reduced to a pile of rubble.”
Both these lines are summarized in answer (a).
Option (b) is very specific to second paragraph. Moreover we cannot have examples in the main theme.
Option (c) does not give any information or definition of deconstruction.
Option (d) does capture one half of the essence of the paragraph and not the other.
So the answer is option (a).
Question 22
The passage suggests that the author most probably holds the view that an important characteristic of literary criticism is that it should:
Demonstrate false assumptions and inherent contradictions
Employ skill and insight
Reveal how a text is put together like a building and that it is in need of being taken apart
Be both a judge and executioner who leaves a text totally dismantled, if not reduced to a pile of rubble
Solution : B
Let us have a look at these lines in the last paragraph “Criticism and critic derive from the Greek Kritikos, “skillful in judging, decisive.”
So the author most probably holds the view that literary criticism should employ skill and insight. So the answer is (B).
All the other options refer to deconstruction.
Question 23
The problem is not with the author's personality (or appearance), it's with the readers and critics who pay too much attention to it
A. Of course, people have preferences.
B. What the author accomplishes, or doesn't, outside of the book is fine for the gossip pages,but it doesn't merit mentioning in a book review.
C. What matters is the book, and the book has to stand on its own merit.
D. Focusing on a writer for not "humping his ego” has the same effect as focusing on writerswho are outspoken, or attractive; they're two sides of the same coin.
6. It's perfectly legitimate, and normal, for different people to react differently to an author'swork, but one should remember that reading is a subjective experience
Solution : A
The most obvious link in the whole sequence is the A6 link. A states that people have their own preferences and 6 continues the same idea and connects it to the theme of the passage. So [b] and [d] can be negated. Among B, C and D, D should follow a because it continues the idea that sometimes readers and critics pay too much attention to the author's personality or other issues instead of concentrating on the content of the book.C asserts how one should actually consider a book. B is an extension of the same idea; hence it should follow C.So the correct sequence is DCBA
Question 24
It seems that the photos were seen and analysed by scores of people who concluded that allthese are related to the preparation for a test.
A. As a further addition he also reported to have seen a water pipe connection to one of thevillages.
B. An Indian correspondent who visited Pokhran and talked to the villagers reported that anew barbed wire fence now rings off the vast site of the 1974 test.
C. All this could have more than one explanation but the possibility is that preparations areBeing made for a nuclear test.
D. There was evidence of earth moving equipment having been used and an entire new hill hasbeen created from the excavated sand and mud.
6. But any such nuclear test will be against the foreign policy the nation is building up
Solution : D
The choices start with A or B. Sentence A cannot follow 1 because the word 'he' indicatesthat it should be preceded by a previous sentence.Choice (A) cannot be the right answer because C should precede 6 link nuclear tests.DA is better than AD since D gives an'evidence' and A says 'further addition'
Directions for questions 91 and 92: Each question below contains a set of 6 sentences. The sentences S1 and S6 are at their right place while the sentences P,Q,R and S are jumbled up. Type the answer choices corresponding to the right order of the sentences in the box below the sentence. For example, if the correct order is QRPS, then type in QRPS in the box (in capitals and without spaces between the alphabets).
Question 25
S1: There is difference between Gandhiji's concept of secularism and that of Nehru's.
P : Nehru's idea of secularism was equal indifference to all religions and bothering about none of them.
Q : According to Gandhiji, all religions are equally true and each scripture is worthy of respect.
R : Such secularism which means the rejection of all religions is contrary to our culture and tradition.
S : In Gandhiji's view, secularism stands for equal respect for all religions.
S6: Instead of doing any good, such secularism can do harm instead of good.
Solution :Sentence S1 introduces the idea of the paragraph : difference between Gandhian and Nehruvian secularism. As sentence S1 mentions Gandhian secularism first, the next sentence should introduce what Gandhiji thought about secularism. Sentences S and P both play this role but sentence S is more fundamental in the sense that it tells about the meaning of secularism according to Gandhiji while sentence Q elaborates on this idea. So, SQ form a pair. Similarly, PR form a pair and R is followed logically by S6.
So, the correct sequence is SQPR.
Question 26
Enter the correct sequence excluding S1 and S2 in the blank provided.
S1: The study of speech disorders due to brain injury suggests that patients can think without having adequate control over their language.
P : But they succeed in playing games of chess.
Q : Some patients, for example fail to find the names of objects presented to them.
R : They can even use the concepts needed for chess playing, though they are unable to express many of the concepts in ordinary language.
S : They even find it difficult to interpret long written notices.
S6: How they manage to do this we do not know.
Solution :Sentence Q best follows sentence S1 as it talks about a difficulty experienced by patients who have lost control over speech processing. Sentence S follows sentence Q and gives one more example of the difficulties of patients. Sentences PR have a common thread of chess between them and sentence P follows S as it gives an example of how patients who have lost their speech processing powers are still able to use their thinking powers.
So, the correct sequence is QSPR.
Question 27
This question is followed by a set of answer choices and more than one choice may be correct. Type the correct answer choice(s) in the box below. For example, if the correct choices are A and C, then type in AC in the box (in capitals, in alphabetical order and without spaces between the alphabets).
According to a prediction of the not-so-distant future published in 1940, electricity would revolutionize agriculture. Electrodes would be inserted into the soil, and the current between them would kill bugs and weeds and make crop plants stronger
Which of the following statement(s), if true, most strongly indicate(s) that the logic of the prediction above is flawed?
A. The bugs that are beneficial to crop plants will also be eliminated when electricity is used.
B. If the proposed plan for using electricity were put into practice, farmers would save on chemicals now being added to the soil.
C. It cannot be taken for granted that the use of electricity is always beneficial.
D. Since weeds are plants, electricity would affect weeds in the same way as it would affect crop plants.
E. Because a planting machine would need to avoid coming into contact with the electrodes, new parts for planting machines would need to be designed
Solution :Reasoning Think about the points that indicate that the logic used in formulating the prediction is flawed? Electricity will revolutionize agriculture, it is said, because current can be run through electrodes placed in the soil. This current will kill bugs and weeds while strengthening the plants. But how will the current accomplish this feat? More specially, how will it kill one kind of plant (weeds) while strengthening another (crop plants)
A. Correct: If the electricity used in the soil is going to eliminate the beneficial bugs too, then this will lead to a deleterious effect on crop plants instead of revolutionizing agriculture.
B. Rather than suggesting that the logic of the prediction is flawed, this serves to support the prediction: Farmers saving on chemicals would be part of the predicated agricultural revolution.
C. The argument does not take for granted that the use of electricity is always beneficial; it merely suggests that it would be of great to agriculture.
D. Correct: This statement properly identifies a problem with the prediction: It provides no reason to believe that the electricity would affect crop plants and weeds differently.
E. Rather than suggesting that the logic of the prediction is flawed, this serves to support the prediction: Changes in planting machines would be part of the predicted agricultural revolution.
The correct answers are A and D
Question 28
This question is followed by a set of answer choices and more than one choice may be correct. Type the correct answer choice(s) in the box below. For example, if the correct choices are A and C, then type in AC in the box (in capitals, in alphabetical order and without spaces between the alphabets).
The amount of time it takes for most of a worker's occupational knowledge and skills to become obsolete has been declining because of the introduction of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT). Given the rate at which AMT is currently being introduced in manufacturing, the average worker's old skills become obsolete and new skills are required within as little as five years.
Which of the following plans, if feasible, would allow a company to prepare most effectively for the rapid obsolescence of skills described above?
A.The company will develop a program to offer selected employees the opportunity to receive training six years after they were originally hired.
B.The company will increase its investment in AMT every year for a period of at least five years.
C.The company will periodically survey its employees to determine how the introduction of AMT has affected them.
D.Before the introduction of AMT, the company will institute an educational program to inform its employees of the probable consequences of the introduction of AMT.
E.The company will ensure that it can offer its employees any training necessary for meeting their job requirementsSOLUTION
Solution : What is happening: The introduction of AMT is making workers occupational skills obsolete within as little as five yearsReasoning Which plan will be most effective in helping the company for the expected rapid obsolescence in occupational knowledge and skills? It should be clear that some type of training or retraining will be invalid, since (at least in certain type of industry) it is unlikely that any company in that industry can afford to avoid introducing AMT if its market competitors are doing so
A.Providing training only to selected employees only after their skills have already become obsolete is not likely to be an effective response.
B. This plan only accelerates the problem and does not address the employees' skills
C.Periodic surveys may provide information to employees but will not be enough to prevent employees' skills from becoming obsolete
D.Having knowledge of the consequence does not prevent those consequences; employees' skills will still become obsolete.
E. Correct. This would ensure that all employees have the most current occupational knowledge and skill needed for their jobs
The correct answer is E
Question 29
Following is a set of four sentences. Choose the sentence which is most appropriate – grammatically, semantically and logically.
A. The excel company has greatly enhanced it’s advertising expense.
B. The excel company has greatly increased its advertising expense.
C. The excel company has greatly enhanced its advertising expense.
D. The excel company has greatly increased its advertising expense.
The Excel Company has greatly enhanced it's advertising expense.
The Excel Company has greatly increased its advertising expense.
The Excel Company has greatly enhanced its advertising expense.
The Excel Company has greatly increased it's advertising expense.
Solution : B
Option: (B)
"Enhanced” means to increase or improve the quality or value or desirability of something. Increase implies to become greater in size, amount, number or intensity. The correct usage here would be 'increased'. The possessive form 'its' and not the contracted 'it's' is required.
Question 30
Following is a set of four sentences. Choose the sentence which is most appropriate – grammatically, semantically and logically.
Neither the king nor his ministers desires war.
Neither king nor his ministers desires war.
Neither the king nor his ministers desire war.
Neither king nor his ministers desire war.
Solution : C
Option: (C)
Because we are talking about a particular king we should use 'the king'. Moreover the verb should be consistent with the noun after 'nor'. The noun ministers (plural) takes the verb because it is near to the verb, hence desire.
Question 31
It would be ungrateful not to recognize how immense the boons are which science has given to mankind. It has brought within reach, the benefits and advantages which only a short time ago were the privilege of the few. It has shown how malnutrition, hunger and disease can beovercome. Fields of knowledge, experience and recreation open in the past only to a few have been thrown open to millions
A. Man is ungrateful in not recognising the blessings that science has showered on him as these include freedom from malnutrition, hunger and diseases. All the people are now able to enjoy the benefits of knowledge, experience and recreation.
B. Science has improved man's life by bringing within his reach the innumerable benefits that were the privilege of a select few.
C. No man can fail to thank science as it has thrown open knowledge, experience, and recreation to millions of people. It has eradicated malnutrition, hunger and diseases to be replaced with benefits and privileges.
D. We cannot count all the blessings that science has bestowed on man. There are many benefits and advantages like malnutrition, hunger and diseases. Knowledge recreation and experiences are now open to all
Solution : B
The benefits derived from the progress of science is the main point. A is wrong because it makes an extreme statement that "man is ungrateful”. This is nowhere mentioned in the main passage C and D give more details than necessary - D is wrong as it says malnutrition, hunger etc. are benefits.
Question 32
Two years ago, American capitalism seemed to be in crisis. Stocks had plunged and some of the nation's most celebrated business leaders were exposed as phonies, if not crooks. Now, the economy is growing, and the Dow has been back above 10,000.So, is it safe to buy stocks again? After you read Roger Lowenstein's "Origins of the Crash,” you will have serious doubts.It tells the story of how ordinary investors got suckered into supporting the lifestyles of the rich and shameless. And you wonder whether anything has really changed
A. All corporates of America are infamous for their phony practices and Lowenstein's book is an eye-opener to their callous treatment of innocent investors.
B. In the wake of the American stock market boom, Roger Lowenstein's "Origins of the Crash,” is a reality check for all potential investors.
C. Nothing has changed in the past two years on the American stock market. The sleazy corporate and their shady dealings are recounted in detail in Roger Lowenstein's book, "Origins of the Crash.”
D. Following the crash of prominent corporations in the American context, Roger Lowenstein has written a book that delineates the notorious dealing of heartless executives
Solution : B
The revival of the stock market and the ideas expressed in the book by Rogen Lwenstin are the main points.A and D are too extreme. B expresses only part of the main paragraph
Question 33
Reducing speed limits neither saves lives nor protects the environment. This is because the more slowly a car is driven, the more time it spends on the road spewing exhaust into the air and running the risk of colliding with other vehicles.
The argument's reasoning is flawed because the argument
Ignore the possibility of benefits from lowering speed limits other than environmental and safety benefits
Fails to consider that if speed limits are reduced, increased driving times will increase the number of cars on the road at any given time
Presumes, without providing justification, that total emissions for a given automobile trip are determined primarily by the amount of time the trip takes
Presumes, without providing justification, that drivers run a significant risk of collision only if they spend a lot of time on the road
Solution : C
The answer is a close call between (c) and (d). We need to find the flaw in the reasoning. The argument states that "more slowly a car is driven, the more time it spends on the road spewing exhaust into the air and running the risk of colliding with other vehicles” There are more number of assumptions required to line
" total emissions for a given automobile trip to the amount of time the trip takes”than linking " risk of collision with the time spent on the road”
Therefore option (c ) is a bigger flaw compared to Option (d)
So (c) is the right answer.
Question 34
Read the passage and answer the question that follows.
A gift is not generous unless it is intended to benefit the recipient and is worth more than what is expected or customary in the situation; a gift is selfish if it is given to benefit the giver or is less valuable than is customary.
Which one of the following judgments most closely conforms to the principle above?
Charles, who hates opera, was given two expensive tickets to the opera. He in turn gave them to his cousin, who loves opera, as a birthday gift. Charles's gift was selfish because he paid nothing for the tickets.
Emily gives her brother a year's membership in a health club. She thinks that this will allow her brother to get the exercise he needs. However, the gift is selfish because Emily's brother is hurt and offended by it.
Amanda gives each of her clients an expensive bottle of wine every year. Amanda's gifts are generous, since they cause the clients to continue giving Amanda business.
Olga gives her daughter a computer as a graduation gift. Since this is the gift that all children in Olga's family receive for graduation, it is not generous.
Solution : D
Let us analyse the stem of the question
Gift is generous if
a) benefits the recipient and
b) Worth more than is expected or customary in the situation. So if condition (a) or (b) is not satisfied then the gift is not generous and only if (a) and (b) conditions are satisfied then the gift is generous.
Also the gift is selfish if
a) benefits the giver or
b)Less Valuable than is customary
The tickets are expensive (condition (b) satisfied ) and his cousin loves operas (condition (a) satisfied). So the gift is generous. Moreover it does not satisfy the conditions for the gift to be selfish SO option (a) is wrong
The health club membership does not benefit the giver (Emily) neither is it less valuable than is customary So it is not selfish. So (b) is wrong
The bottles are expensive (condition (b) is satisfied) but there is no mention how the bottles are going to benefit her clients So the gift is not generous. So option (c) is wrong
Since this is the gift that all children in Olga's family receive for graduation, it is not generous So condition (b) is violated. So the gift is not generous. So (d) is the correct answer