Free Water 01 Practice Test - 4th Grade 

Question 1

Which among these is true for the Dead Sea?

A. It has salty water
B. It has fresh water
C. Fish can survive in it  
D.  Fish cannot survive in it


Solution : A and D

The Dead Sea has salt water. The amount of salt in dead sea is so high that no living being can survive in it. Thus fish cannot survive in dead sea.

Question 2

The process by which water droplets in the clouds fall on the ground is called ______.

A. condensation
B. precipitation
C. evaporation



Solution : B

Condensed water droplets combine to form clouds. Once the cloud gets heavy, they fall on the surface of the earth as rain, snow or hailstones. This process is known as precipitation.

Question 3

Which of the following water source does not contain saltwater?

A. Rivers
B. Oceans
C. Seas
D. Saltwater lakes


Solution : A

Oceans and Seas occupy 97% of the Earth's water, which is mostly Saltwater.

Saltwater lakes too contain salt water as the name depicts.

River takes water from glaciers and rains which are sources of freshwater.

Question 4

If dropped in water, this object will:










Solution : A

The above shown object is made up of steel. It is more dense than water. Thus, the object will sink if dropped in water.

Question 5

A water body of dense ice and snow found on mountains is known as ________.

A. Glacier
B. River
C. Pond
D. Ocean


Solution : A

A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice, found on mountains. It forms where the accumulation of snow exceeds its melting and evaporation over many years, often centuries.

Question 6

Clouds form when water vapour in the air ______ into water droplets.

A. evaporates
B. condenses
C. precipitates
D. combine


Solution : B

Clouds form when the invisible water vapour in the air condenses into visible water droplets. Thus water vapour condenses and come together to form clouds.

Question 7

Empty plastic bottles float on water because their density is ________ that of water.

A. less than
B. more than
C. equal to
D. not comparable to


Solution : A

Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Density of plastic is less than that of water, hence empty plastic bottle floats over water surface. 

Question 8

Water molecules _________ to change from liquid to gaseous state.

A. release heat
B. absorb heat
C. absorb light
D. release light


Solution : B

Water moleucles absorb heat and start vibrating faster, this increases the distance between molecules and liquid molecules change into gaseous state (water vapours).

Question 9

What do we use to extract out the groundwater?

A. Dumpers
B. Handpump
C. Borewells
D. Buckets


Solution : B and C

Water that seeps into soil get collected in small pockets between the rockbed in the form of groundwater. We use hand pumps and borewells to extract out this water from the ground.

Question 10

Which of the following contributes to water pollution?

A. Industrial effluents into the water bodies
B. Dumping of plastic bags into the water bodies
C. Oil spills in the seas or oceans
D. Excessive growth of aquatic life


Solution : A, B, and C

Water pollution is the contamination of the water bodies. It is usually caused as a result of human activities like releasing industrial effluents into water bodies without treatment, oil spill from ships, throwing plastic bottles or bags into water, etc. However, excessive growth of aquatic life do not pollute the water bodies.