A sheet metal worker’s anvil is known as

A sheet metal worker’s anvil is known as
| A sheet metal worker’s anvil is known as

A. Stake

B. Hammer

C. Chisel

D. Snips

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Right Answer is: A



Stakes are the sheet metal worker’s anvils used for bending, seaming or forming, using a hammer or mallet.

They actually work as supporting tools as well as forming tools


Hatchet stake

  • It has a sharp, straight edge, bevelled along one side
  • Useful for making sharp bends, folding the edges of the sheet metal, forming boxes and pans by hand

Half-moon stake

  • It has a sharp edge in the form of an arc of a circle, bevelled along one side.
  • Used for throwing up flanges on metal discs.

Creasing iron stake

  • It has two rectangular shaped horns, one of which is plain. The other horn contains a series of grooving slots of various sizes.
  • The grooves are used when sinking a bead on a straight edge of a flat sheet.
  • Used when making small diameter tubes with thin gauge metal

Horse stake

  • It has double-ended support.
  • At the end of each arm – one of which is usually cranked downward for clearance purpose – there is a square hole for the reception of a wide variety of heads.
Funnel Stake
  • This stake is used when shaping and seaming funnels and tapered articles.

Beak or Bick-iron Stake

  • This stake has two horns, one of which is tapered; the other is a rectangularly shaped anvil.
  • The thick tapered horn or beak is used when making spouts and sharp tapering articles.
  • The anvil may be used for squaring corners, seaming, and light riveting