Given below are the steps of scientific research. Arrange them in

Given below are the steps of scientific research. Arrange them in

Given below are the steps of scientific research. Arrange them in order:

(1) Formulation of hypothesis

(2) Development of research tool

(3) Identification of research problem

(4) Selection of sample

(5) Data analysis and interpretation

A. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4

B. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5

C. 3, 4, 1, 2, 5

D. 3, 1, 2, 4, 5

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Right Answer is: D


Research refers to a systematic study of one's chosen subject for arriving at both new and valid conclusions. In sociology, we claim to engage in scientific research of social phenomena. Further, in order to carry out scientific research, the researcher needs to go beyond the time and space of his/her own research setting and seek a generalization on the basis of the findings. This attribute of research would make it applicable to other areas of knowledge. 

The research process consists of a series of actions and steps needed for conducting scientific research, if the researcher follows certain steps in conducting the research, the work can be carried out smoothly with the least difficulty.

Following are the Steps in pursuing research:

  1. Identification of the Problem: The first and most important step for identifying a problem is asking a question or identifying a need that arises as a result of curiosity and to which it becomes necessary to find an answer.
  2. Review of Literature:​ A researcher needs to explore the existing studies on the related studies and techniques for the research.
  3. Formulating a Hypothesis: “Hypotheses are single tentative guesses, good hunches – assumed for use in devising theory or planning experiments intended to be given a direct experimental test when possible”.While formulating a hypothesis it is important that the researcher is well prepared with the problem of which he/she is going to find the solution. Here the researcher makes the tentative guess of the solution of the problem and then formulate the research questions.
  4. Identifying, Manipulating, and Controlling Variables: Variables are defined as those characteristics which are manipulated, controlled, and observed by the researcher. The study may have extraneous variables. 
  5. Formulating a Research Design: A research design may be regarded as the blueprint of those procedures which are adapted by the researcher for testing the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable
  6. Constructing Devices for Observation and Measurement: When the research design has been formulated the next step is to construct or collect and choose appropriate tools of research for scientific observation and measurement.
  7. Sample Selection and Data Collection: After deciding the tools for the study the research one must also decide about the participants of the study for which purpose usually a small sample is drawn which represents the population.
  8. Data Analysis and Interpretation: After making observations the data collected are analyzed with the help of various quantitative and qualitative statistical techniques.

Therefore, Option 4 is the correct answer.