∫1+x2dxx4+1 [12√2tan−1x−1x√2]+C [1√2tan−1x−1x2√2]+C [1√

∫1+x2dxx4+1 [12√2tan−1x−1x√2]+C [1√2tan−1x−1x2√2]+C [1√
| 1+x2dxx4+1

A. [122tan1(x1x2)]+C

B. [12tan1(x1x22)]+C

C. [12tan1(x1x2)]+C

D. None of these 

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


Let I = 1+x2dxx4+1
Let's divide x2 in the numerator or denominator - 
Or I=1+1x2(x1x)2+2dx
Let’s  call this integral as I
So, I=1+1x2(x1x)2+2dx
Substitute x1x = t
& (1+1x2) dx = dt
I=1(t)2+(22) dt
Using the standard formulae we can say
Or I=12tan1(x1x2)+C1
So, the final answer will be - 