________ operating system manages a number of independent compute

________ operating system manages a number of independent compute
| ________ operating system manages a number of independent computers and hardware devices.

A. Time-sharing

B. Multiprocessing

C. Multiprogram

D. Real-time

E. Distributed

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Right Answer is: E


The correct answer is Distributed

  • The motivation in the development of distributed OS is the availability of powerful and low-cost microprocessors and improvements in communication technology.
  • These improvements in technology have made it possible to build and develop distributed systems consisting of multiple computers that are linked by communication networks. The main feature of distributed operating systems is its low price/performance ratio.

  • Advantages of Distributed OS:
    • As there are many devices involved, users at one site can use the resources of systems at other sites for resource-intensive works.
    • Faster processing.
    • Reduced load on the Host Machine
  • Types:
    1. Client-Server Based:
      • Centralized systems today work as server systems to fulfil requests created by client systems. The general structure of a client-server system is depicted in the following figure:
    2. Peer-to-peer Systems:
      • In broader view to the Tightly Coupled systems, the computer networks utilized in these applications contains a group of processors that do not share a memory or a clock. Instead, every processor has its personal local memory. The processors transmit with one another through multiple communication lines, like high-speed buses or telephone lines. These systems are generally referred to as loosely connected systems (or distributed systems). The basic structure of a client-server system is depicted in the given figure: