A 230 V RMS source supplies power to two loads connected is paral

A 230 V RMS source supplies power to two loads connected is paral
| A 230 V RMS source supplies power to two loads connected is parallel. The final load draws 10 kW at 0.8 leading power factor & the second one draws 10 kVA at 0.8 lagging power factor. The complex power delivered by the source is

A. (18 + j1.5) kVA

B. (18 – j1.5) kVA

C. (20 + j1.5) kVA

D. (20 – j1.5) kVA

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



The circuit for the given information is drawn as:

Complex power Delivered by source = Apparent power of load 1 + Apparent power of load 2

Consider load 1:

Given: P1 = 10 kW

Power factor = 0.8 (lead)

Since the power factor is leading, we can say that capacitive reactance is present in load 1.


Load 1 = R1 – j Xc and cos θ1 = 0.8

Apparent power S1 = P – jQC

θ1 = cos-1 (0.8) = 36.86°

The power triangle for the above is drawn as:

\(\tan {\theta _1} = \frac{{{Q_c}}}{{{P_1}}}\) 

\(\tan 36.86 = \frac{{{Q_c}}}{{10}}\) 

Reactive power QC = 10 × 0.75

S1 = (10 – j7.5) kVA

Qc = 7.5 VAR  

Consider load 2:

Given S2 = 10 kVA

Power factor = cos θ2 = 0.8 (lag)

θ2 = cos-1 (0.8)

θ2 = 36.86°

Lagging power factor means inductive reactance.

The power triangle for the above is drawn as:


P2 = S2 cos θ2 and

Ql = S2 sin θ2

P2 = (10 × 0.8) kW

QL = 10 × 0.6

P2 = 8 kW

QL = 6 kVAR

S2 = P2 + jQL

S2 = (8 + j6) kVA

The equivalent complex power delivered by the source will be:

Sev = S1 + S2

Sev = (10 – j7.5) + (8 + j6) kVA

Sev = (18 – j1.5) kVA

Option B is correct.

Alternate Method:

Apparent power angle is of opposite nature to that of the power factor angle.

Load 1:

P1 = 10 kW, cos θ1 = 0.8 (leading)

θ1 = cos-1 (0.8) = 36.86°

\(\left| {{S_1}} \right| = \frac{{\left| {{P_1}} \right|}}{{\cos \theta }}\) 


\(\left| {{S_1}} \right| = \frac{{10\;kW}}{{0.8}} = 12.5\;kVA\) 

S1 = 12 kVA -36.86°

Angle is of opposite in nature to that of power factor angle because S = V(I*)

This conjugate makes it of opposite sign.

S1 = 12.5 -36.86° kVA

Or S1 = (10 – j7.5) kVA

Load 2:

|S2| = 10 kVA, P.F. = 0.8 (lag)

S2 = 10 +36.86° kVA

The angle is of opposite nature to that of power factor angle.

S2 = 8 + j6 kVA

Sev = S1 + S2

Sev = 18 – j1.5 kVA