A cylindrical vessel with closed bottom and open top is 0.9 m in

A cylindrical vessel with closed bottom and open top is 0.9 m in
| A cylindrical vessel with closed bottom and open top is 0.9 m in diameter. What is the rotational speed about its vertical axis (with closed bottom below and open top above) when the contained incompressible fluid will rise 0.5 m at the inner circumference of the vessel and a space of 0.4 m diameter have no fluid thereon? Take g = 10 m/s2

A. 650 rpm

B. 600 rpm

C. 580 rpm

D. 96 rpm

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



The equation of parabolic profile is given by:

\(Z = \frac{{{\omega ^2}{r^2}}}{{2g}}\)

For point A: (0.2, y); \(y = \frac{{{{\rm{\omega }}^2}{{\left( {0.2} \right)}^2}}}{{2{\rm{g}}}}\)

For point B: (0.45, d + y + 0.5); \(d + y + 0.5 = \frac{{{{\rm{\omega }}^2}{{\left( {0.45} \right)}^2}}}{{2{\rm{g}}}}\)


\(d + y = \frac{{{{\rm{\omega }}^2}{{\left( {0.45} \right)}^2}}}{{2{\rm{g}}}} - 0.5\)

By Volume Conservation:

Volume of fluid before rotation = Volume of fluid after rotation

i.e. V1 = V2

V1 = π (0.45)2 d

V2 = π (0.45)2(d + 0.5) - 1/2 {π(0.45)2(d + y + 0.5) - π (0.2)2y}

Now, V1 = V2

On solving we get,

d + y = 0.5 + 16y/81

From above equation 1 and 2, substitute the values of ‘d + y’ and ‘y’ in equation no 3.

\(\frac{{{{\rm{\omega }}^2}{{\left( {0.45} \right)}^2}}}{{2{\rm{g}}}} - 0.5 = 0.5 + \frac{{16}}{{81}}\left( {\frac{{{{\rm{\omega }}^2}{{\left( {0.2} \right)}^2}}}{{2{\rm{g}}}}} \right)\)

We get ω = 10 rad/sec

We know that

\(\omega = \frac{{2\pi N}}{{60}}\;or\;N = \frac{{60\omega }}{{2\pi }}\)


\(N = \frac{{60 \times 10}}{{2\pi }}\) = 96 rpm