A round steel bar of overall length 40 cm consists of two equal p

A round steel bar of overall length 40 cm consists of two equal p
| A round steel bar of overall length 40 cm consists of two equal portions of 20 cm each having diameters of 10 cm and 8 cm respectively. Take E as 2 ×  106 kg/cm2. If the rod is subjected to a tensile load of 10 tonnes, the elongation in cm will be given by

A. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{3}{{10\pi }}\left[ {\frac{1}{{20}} + \frac{1}{{15}}} \right]\)</span>

B. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{8}{{10\pi }}\left[ {\frac{1}{{10}} + \frac{1}{{15}}} \right]\)</span>

C. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{2}{{10\pi }}\left[ {\frac{1}{{25}} + \frac{1}{{30}}} \right]\)</span>

D. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{1}{{10\pi }}\left[ {\frac{1}{{25}} + \frac{1}{{16}}} \right]\)</span>

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Right Answer is: D



The deflection in any bar due to axial load is given by

Δ = (P x L)/ (A x E)

Where P = Axial load

L= Length of the bar

A = Cross sectional area of bar

E = Modulus of elasticity

E = 2 × 106 kg / cm2

Tensile load = 10 tonnes = 10 × 103 kg

\({\rm{\Delta }}L = \frac{{P{L_1}}}{{{A_1}{E_1}}} + \frac{{P{L_2}}}{{{A_2}{E_2}}}\) 

\( = \frac{{10 \times {{10}^3} \times 20}}{{\frac{\pi }{4} \times {{10}^2} \times 2 \times {{10}^6}}} + \frac{{10 \times {{10}^3} \times 20}}{{\frac{\pi }{4} \times {8^2} \times 2 \times {{10}^6}}}\) 

\(= \frac{1}{{10\pi }}\left[ {\frac{1}{{25}} + \frac{1}{{16}}} \right]\)