A specimen is subjected to a pure shear stress regime of intensit

A specimen is subjected to a pure shear stress regime of intensit
| A specimen is subjected to a pure shear stress regime of intensity τ. The resulting tensile and compressive stresses σ, which occur on planes inclined at 45° to the direction of the shear stresses, would be 

A. τ 

B. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{{\rm{\tau }}}{2}\)</span>

C. <span class="math-tex">\(\sqrt 2 {\rm{\;\tau }}\)</span>

D. <span class="math-tex">\(\frac{{\rm{\tau }}}{{\sqrt 2 }}\)</span>

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Right Answer is: A



For a bi-axial state of stress normal stress at any plane is given by,

\({{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{n}}} = \frac{{{{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{x}}} + {{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{y}}}}}{2} + \frac{{{{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{x}}} - {{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{y}}}}}{2}\cos 2{\rm{θ }} + {{\rm{τ }}_{{\rm{xy}}}}\sin 2{\rm{θ }}\)

Where, \({{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{n}}}\) is the normal stress in a plane which is inclined at an angle θ with the horizontal axis;

\({{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{x}}}{\rm{\;and\;}}{{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{y}}}\) are the normal stress in the direction of X axis and Y axis respectively;

\({{\rm{τ }}_{{\rm{xy}}}}\) is the shear stress acting in XY plane.

Tensile normal stress is taken as positive, compressive normal stress is taken as negative and anticlockwise shear stress is taken as positive.


Given, it a pure shear case.

∴ σx = σx = 0 and τxy = τ and θ = 45° 

\(∴ {{\rm{σ }}_{\rm{n}}} = \frac{{0 + 0}}{2} + \frac{{0 - 0}}{2}\cos 2 \times 45 + {\rm{τ }} \times \sin 2 \times 45 = {\rm{τ }}\)

∴ The resulting normal stress (tensile or compressive) on planes inclined at 45° to the direction of the shear stresses is equal to τ.