a What is meant by saying that the metals are malleable

a What is meant by saying that the metals are malleable

(a) What is meant by saying that the metals are malleable and ductile ? Explain with examples.
(b) Name two metals which are both malleable and ductile.
(c) Which property of iron metal is utilised in producing iron sheets required for making buckets?
(d) which propert of copper metal is utilised in amking thin wires?

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When we say that metals are malleable and ductile, we refer to their ability to be either made into sheets or drawn into wires. Ductility is the ability of the metal to get stretched without sustaining damage whereas malleability refers to the ability of the metals to get deformed when  compressed. 

(i) Malleable: This means that metals can be beaten into thin sheets with a hammer. The property which allows the metals to be hammered into thin sheets is called malleability. Example: Aluminium metal can be hammered to form alumimium foils. 

(ii) Ductile: This means that metals can be drawn (or stretched) into thin wires. The property which allows the metals to be drawn into thin wires is called ductility.       Example:Copper metal can be drawn into thin copper wires (used as electric wires).

(b)gold and silver
(d) Ductility