An element has an atomic number 15. With which of the following e

An element has an atomic number 15. With which of the following e
| An element has an atomic number 15. With which of the following elements will it show similar chemical properties?

A. N(7)

B. Be(4)

C. O(8)

D. Ne(10)

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Right Answer is: A


An element has an atomic number 15.  N(7) show similar chemical properties.

  • The valence electrons of the atomic number 15 have 5 electrons in its outermost shell. 
  • Nitrogen also has 5 electrons in its outermost shell. It also belongs to the 15th group and has the same chemical properties.
  • Others (Be, O, Ne) have 2,6 and 8 electrons in their outermost shell respectively.


Element Atomic Number Atomic Weight Properties
Nitrogen 7 14.0063
  • Discovered by Daniel Rutherford
  • Belongs to Group 15 
Beryllium 4 9.0122
  • Earlier name - Glucinim
  • Silver grey Metal 
  • Non-magnetic
Oxygen 8 15.999
  • Highly reactive non-metal 
  •  Colourless, Odorless and tasteless gas
Neon 10 20.1797
  • Colourless, Odourless gas 
  • Chemically inert 
  • Noble gas 
  • Second lightest gas
Phosphorous  15 30.973
  • Highly reactive 
  • Phosphate is the mineral form 
  • Two types of phosphorous - Red and white