Chalk water mixture is an example of which type of mixture?

Chalk water mixture is an example of which type of mixture?
| Chalk water mixture is an example of which type of mixture?

A. Heterogeneous 

B. Homogenous

C. Suspensions

D. Colliods

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Right Answer is: A


The chalk water mixture is an example of the heterogeneous mixture.

  • The heterogeneous mixture, in which small stable particles are distributed spread over a substance without dissolving into it.
  • Mixtures may be homogeneous or also heterogeneous.
  • A mixture where its components are evenly distributed is called homogeneous mixture, such as salt in water.
  • A mixture in which there is no uniform distribution of its components is called a heterogeneous mixture, such as sand in water.
  • A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture, comprising sufficiently large solid particles for sedimentation.
  • A colloid is a mixture in which one layer of insoluble or soluble particles microscopically distributed is suspended within another material.