Choose the correct direct sentence form of the sentence given bel

Choose the correct direct sentence form of the sentence given bel

Choose the correct direct sentence form of the sentence given below.

She said to me that she had visited Oxford University the previous day.

A. She said to me, "I had visited Oxford University yesterday."

B. She said to me, "I visited Oxford University yesterday."

C. She said to me, "I had visited Oxford University the previous day."

D. She said to me, "I visited Oxford University the previous day."

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


The correct answer is- She said to me, "I visited Oxford University yesterday."


  • Let's look at the steps to change the sentence from indirect to direct speech:
    • When the indirect speech is in the assertive form, we follow the steps given below:
    • When the reporting verb 'said to' is used without an object, it is used as it is.
    • Comma and inverted commas replace the connective word 'that'.
    • The pronoun 'she' is replaced by 'I' accordingly. 
    • The helping verb is changed according to the tense, followed by the 3rd form of the verb. (had visited)
    • Words showing time and place are changed accordingly. (the previous day-yesterday)
  • At last line up the remaining part.

Following these steps, we finally get - She said to me, "I visited Oxford University yesterday."