Choose the correct sequence Pollination→Male gamete rea

Choose the correct sequence Pollination→Male gamete rea
| Choose the correct sequence.

A. PollinationMale gamete reaches the female gameteFertilisationFruit formation

B. Male gametes reaches the female gametePollination Fruit formation Fertilisation

C. Male gamete reaches the female gametePollinationFertilisationFruit formation

D. PollinationFertilisationMale gamete reaches the female gameteFruit formation

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Right Answer is: A


Fertilisation involves the fusion of male and the female gametes. It results in the formation of zygote. The process takes place in the ovary of the flower. Pollinators carry the pollen from the anther to the stigma. Once it lands on the stigma, a tube is formed. The male gamete travels down the style and enters inside the ovary, where it fertilises the ovule. After fertilisation, ovary develops into fruit.