Consider a control unit design in which 42 control signals are to

Consider a control unit design in which 42 control signals are to

Consider a control unit design in which 42 control signals are to be generated and the system is supporting 4- flag conditions. If the 64-bit control word is stored in control memory, then which of the following is true about control memory size and maximum degree of parallelism in both horizontal and vertical microprogrammed control unit. (For, vertical micro-programmed control unit, the same number of locations should be taken as horizontal).


Hµ PC denotes Horizontal micro-programmed control unit

Vµ PC denotes Vertical micro-programmed control unit

A. H<strong style="">&micro;</strong> PC:&nbsp; 8MB, 42

B. V<strong style="">&micro;</strong> PC: 3MB, 42

C. H<strong style="">&micro;</strong> PC:&nbsp; 8MB, 1

D. V<strong style="">&micro;</strong> PC: &nbsp;3MB, 1

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is:



In a horizontal micro-programmed control unit, one bit per control signal is required and in a vertical micro- programmed control unit, control signal is encoded for k bits as 2k signals.



Horizontal micro- programmed control unit (HµPU):

42 bits(for control signal)

2 bits (as 4 flag conditions)

(Next)64 – 42 – 2 = 20 bits


Size of control memory in words = 220

But each word contain 64 bits,

Control memory size in byte = \(\frac{{{2^{20}}\; \times\; 64}}{8} = {2^{23}} = 8\;MB\)

Maximum degree of parallelism = control signals = 42


Vertical microprogrammed control unit (VµPC):

The number of locations is the same, So the next part will remain the same as 0f 20 bits.

6 bits(for control signal)

2 bits (as 4 flag conditions)

(Next)20 bits


Control word is of 20 + 6 + 2 = 28 bits

Control memory size in bytes = \(\frac{{{2^{20}}\; \times \;28}}{8} = {2^{20}} \times 3 = 3\;MB\)

Maximum degree of parallelism in vertical microprogrammed control unit is always 1.