Consider the following statement. I. Packet Filter Firewall anal

Consider the following statement.

I. Packet Filter Firewall anal

Consider the following statement.

I. Packet Filter Firewall analyze network traffic at transport layer.

II. Circuit Level Firewall operate at transport and session layer of OSI Model.

From the above statement which statement/s is/are True

A. None

B. Only II

C. I and II

D. Only I

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



Packet filtering firewalls:

  • As the most “basic” and oldest type of firewall architecture, packet-filtering firewalls create a checkpoint at a traffic router or switch.
  • These work at the Network layer of the OSI networking model.
  • The firewall performs a simple check of the data packets coming through the router—inspecting information such as the destination and origination IP address, packet type, port number, and other surface-level information without opening up the packet to inspect its contents.

Circuit-Level Gateways

  • This simplistic firewall type is meant to quickly and easily approve or deny traffic without consuming significant computing resources, circuit-level gateways work by verifying the transmission control protocol (TCP) handshake.
  • These work at the session layer of the OSI model. These are also assumed to be working as a "shim-layer" between the application layer and the transport layer of the TCP/IP stack.
  • This TCP handshake check is designed to make sure that the session the packet is from is legitimate.