Crashing is to be applied on

Crashing is to be applied on
| Crashing is to be applied on

A. critical activities

B. non-critical activities

C. both critical and non-critical activities

D. critical activities with positive slack

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Right Answer is: A



Crashing is the method for shortening the project duration by reducing the time of one or more critical activities to less than their normal time. In crashing if cost increases then time decreases.

  • Crash time is the minimum activity duration to which an activity can be compressed by increasing the resource and hence by increasing the direct cost of a project.
  • The objective of crashing is a network is to determine optimum project duration corresponding to the minimum cost of the project.

Steps involved in crashing a project Network.

  • Draw a network diagram and find the critical path and expected project completion time.
  • Select the critical activity having a minimum cost slope.
  • Reduce the duration of selected activity by a one-time unit.
  • Revise the network diagram by adjusting the time and cost of crashed activity, again find a critical path, project duration, and total cost of the project.
  • if optimum project duration is obtained, then stop otherwise repeat from starting.