E is the number of edges in the graph and f is maximum flow in th

E is the number of edges in the graph and f is maximum flow in th

E is the number of edges in the graph and f is maximum flow in the graph. When the

capacities are integers, the runtime of Ford-Fulberson algorithm is bounded by:

A. O (E∗f)

B. O (E<sup>2</sup>&lowast;f)

C. O (E&lowast;f<sup>2</sup>)

D. O (E<sup>2</sup>&lowast;f<sup>2</sup>)

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



In graph theory, a flow network is defined as a directed graph involving a source and sink and other nodes ,all connected with edges. Each edge has an individual capacity which is the maximum limit of flow that edge could allow.


Some conditions about flow:

1) Incoming flow and outgoing flow should be equal.

2) Flow should be between 0 and capacity of the edge.

3) Net flow follows skews symmetry i.e. F(u, v) = - F(v, u) where u and v are the vertices.

Ford Fulkerson algorithm:

1) Initially flow in all edges is 0

2) while there exists an augmenting path between source and sink, augment flow between source and sink along that path

3) Update the remaining graph

4) return

Augmenting path is a simple path from source to sink which do not include any cycle and pass through positive weighted edges. If, no augmenting path, then flow is maximum between source and sink.

In ford Fulkerson algorithm, if E is the number of edges and f is the maximum flow with capacities in integer form, then time complexity for such algorithm is O (E * f).