‘Epigraphy’ is

‘Epigraphy’ is
| ‘Epigraphy’ is

A. Study of inscriptions

B. Study of legal texts

C. Study of coins

D. None of the above

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Right Answer is: A


The correct answer is Study of inscriptions.

  • Epigraphy: The study of the inscription is known as epigraphy.
    • Inscriptions are seen on rocks, pillars, stones, slabs, copper plates, walls of buildings, and body of temples.
    • The Asokan edicts, Allahabad Pillar Inscription of Samudragupta, Aihole Inscription of Pulakesin II, etc. are some major inscriptions of India.
  • Numismatics is known as the study of coins.
    • It is the study of coins as a historical object and a source for history, as coins are one of the most valuable tools for reconstructing our history.