For a transformer having linear power source characteristics, max

For a transformer having linear power source characteristics, max
| For a transformer having linear power source characteristics, maximum power is obtained at 40 V and 150 A. The short circuit current and open circuit voltage are ______ (A) and _______(V) (respectively).

A. 360, 90

B. 320, 70

C. 340, 60

D. 300, 80

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



\(V = {V_0} - \frac{{{V_0}}}{{{V_s}}} \cdot I\)       --- (1)

\(P = VI = \left( {{V_0} - \frac{{{V_0}}}{{{I_s}}}I} \right)I\)

\(P = {V_0}I - \frac{{{V_0}}}{{{I_s}}} \cdot {I^2}\)


\(For,\;P = {P_{max}};\;\frac{{dP}}{{dI}} = 0\)

\(\therefore {V_0} - 2 \cdot \frac{{{V_0}}}{{{I_s}}} = 0 \Rightarrow {I_S} = 2I\)

Substituting the above in (1)

\(V = {V_0} - \frac{{{V_0}}}{{21}} \times I \Rightarrow {V_0} = 2V\)

V0 = 80 V

∴ Is = 300 A