Four girls and four boys are sitting around a square table facing

Four girls and four boys are sitting around a square table facing

Four girls and four boys are sitting around a square table facing the center. Four of them are sitting at the corners and the rest are sitting at the midpoint of the sides of the square table. Suma is not sitting to the right of Rekha but is sitting in front of the Rani. Rekha is diagonally in front of Nisha, who is to the right of Reena. Jai is sitting next to Reena and in front of Abhinav who is to the left of Arun. Who sits to the immediate left of Suma?

A. Nisha

B. Ajay

C. Rekha

D. Reena

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A


Given data :

(i) 4 girls and 4 boys are sitting around a square table facing the center.

(ii) 4 of them sitting at the corner and 4 of them sitting at the midpoint of the square table.

1) Rekha is diagonally in front of Nisha, who is to the right of Reena and Jai is sitting next to Reena and in front of Abhinav who is to the left of Arun.

2) Suma is not sitting to the right of Rekha but is sitting in front of the Rani (So, the only position left for the Suma is the immediate right of Nisha)  

Hence, ' Nisha' is the correct answer.