Fundamental Duties are adopted from the Constitution of which cou

Fundamental Duties are adopted from the Constitution of which cou
| Fundamental Duties are adopted from the Constitution of which country?

A. Germany

B. United Kingdom



Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D


The Soviet Constitution (USSR, now Russia) gave the idea of:

1. Fundamental duties of all the citizens

2. The ideal of justice on social, economic and political basics in the Preamble of the constitution.

Another part of the constitution is adopted form :

  • From Germany's constitution, we adopted the suspension of fundamental rights during an emergency.
  • From the United Kingdom's or also known as Britain's Constitution we adopted Parliamentary government, Rule of Law, Legislative procedure, Single citizenship, Cabinet system, Prerogative writs, Parliamentary privileges, Bicameralism.
  • From the USA's constitution, we adopted Impeachment of the president, Functions of president and vice-president, Removal of Supreme Court and High Court judges Fundamental Rights, Judicial review, Independence of the judiciary and Preamble of the constitution.