Gibb’s free energy (G) is given by

Gibb’s free energy (G) is given by
| Gibb’s free energy (G) is given by

A. G = H – TS

B. <span class="math-tex">\(G = \frac{H}{{TS}}\)</span>

C. G = U &ndash; TS

D. None of these

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Right Answer is: A


Gibbs free energy is a measure of the amount of energy available to do work in an isothermal and isobaric (constant temperature and pressure) thermodynamic system. This is where the term "free" comes from; it refers to the amount of energy in a system that is easily available for usage.

Gibb’s free energy is given by

\(G\; = \;H\;-\;TS\)

The Gibbs energy is thus the enthalpy (essentially the total energy of the system) minus the entropy times the temperature (a measure of the amount of energy that is unavailable).