Give two differences between a zygote an embryo and a f

Give two differences between a zygote an embryo and a f

Give two differences between a zygote, an embryo and a foetus.

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Right Answer is:


Comparison between Foetus, Embryo and Zygote:






Zygote is the fertilized egg which is formed when the sperm and egg are fused together

Embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage

A foetus is the stage of embryo in which all recognizable parts of the body tends to reflect.


Fertilization to implantation (about two weeks)

After the stage of zygote and lasts until eight week

From the beginning of the third month until birth

Marked by

Sperm and cell nuclie fuse

Main external features of a baby are formed during this stage

organs systems grow and mature.


Greek zygōtós yoked, equivalent to zygō-, variant stem of zygoûn to yoke, join together

Late Latin, from Greek embruon,  from bruein  to swell]

Latin fētus  bringing forth of young, hence that which is born, offspring,

Changes into



New born