If one small square in the grid is of area 4 sq. units, what is t

If one small square in the grid is of area 4 sq. units, what is t
| If one small square in the grid is of area 4 sq. units, what is the perimeter of the rectangle drawn on the grid?

A. 8 units

B. 24 units

C. 12 units

D. 32 units

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


If one small square in the grid is of area 4 sq. units, then its side would be 2 units.
Area of a square = side ×side
4 = Side
Side = 2 units
A rectangle covered 8 small squares in the grid. So, it's length= 8 units and breadth = 4 units
perimeter of a rectangle = 2( length + breadth)
= 2 (8 + 4) = 2 × 12 = 24 units