If the area of a circle and a square is the same, then find the r

If the area of a circle and a square is the same, then find the r
| If the area of a circle and a square is the same, then find the ratio of their perimeter.

A. √π : 4

B. √π : 3

C. π : 2

D. √π : 2

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: D



Area of square = a2         (a = side)

Area of circle = πr2           (r = radius)

Circumference of circle = 2πr


According to the question

a2 = πr2

⇒ r2/a2 = 1/π

⇒ r/a = 1/√π

∴ Required ratio = 2πr : 4a = 2π : 4√π

= √π : 2