In a 50% modulated signal, the carrier is suppressed for transmis

In a 50% modulated signal, the carrier is suppressed for transmis
| In a 50% modulated signal, the carrier is suppressed for transmission. The saving in transmitter power would be

A. 88.9%

B. 11%

C. 72%

D. 18%

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A



The total transmitted power for an AM system is given by:

\({P_t} = {P_c}\left( {1 + \frac{{{μ^2}}}{2}} \right)\)

Pc = Carrier Power

μ = Modulation Index


The above expression can be expanded to get:

\({P_t} = {P_c} + P_c\frac{{{μ^2}}}{2}\)

When the carrier is suppressed, the total power transmitted becomes:

\({P_t} = P_c\frac{{{μ^2}}}{2}\)

The amount of power saving is of PC

The saving in transmitted power is, therefore:

\(P_S = \frac{{{P_C}}}{{{P_C}\left( {1 + \frac{{{{\rm{μ }}^2}}}{2}} \right)}} \times 100 \)

\(P_S=\frac{2}{2+μ ^2}\times100\)


With μ = 0.5, the percentage of power-saving will be:

\(P_S=\frac{2}{2+0.5 ^2}\times100\)


PS = 88.9 %