In a certain code, FISH is written as 2118819. How will POND be w

In a certain code, FISH is written as 2118819. How will POND be w
| In a certain code, FISH is written as 2118819. How will POND be written as in that code?

A. 11121323

B. 12213234

C. 1615144

D. 1616164

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Right Answer is: A


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The logic followed here is:

F → 6; 26 - (6 - 1) = 21 where 26 is the total no. of English alphabets.

I → 9; 26 - (9 - 1) = 18

S → 19; 26 - (19 - 1) = 8

H → 8; 26 - (8 - 1) = 19

Thus, FISH is coded as 2118819


P → 16; 26 - (16 - 1) = 11

O → 15; 26 - (15 - 1) = 12

N → 14; 26 - (14 - 1) = 13

D → 4; 26 - (4 - 1) = 23

So, POND = 11121323.