In a particular case of lumped analysis, the temperature distribu

In a particular case of lumped analysis, the temperature distribu

In a particular case of lumped analysis, the temperature distribution was found to be T = α + βe-γτ, where τ = time (in seconds) and α, β and γ are constants. What is the time constant corresponding to the above relation?

A. γ

B. &gamma;<sup>2</sup>

C. &gamma;<sup>-1</sup>

D. &gamma;<sup>-2</sup>

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C



In lumped system analysis the temperature distribution is given by,

\(\frac{{T - {T_\infty }}}{{{T_i} - \;{T_\infty }}} = {e^{ - \frac{{hAt}}{{\rho Vc}}}}\;\)             ---(1)

Where, \(T =\) temperature at time‘t’

\(\frac{{hA}}{{\rho Vc}} = \frac{1}{{Time\;constant}}\)

\({T_i},\;{T_\infty }\) = initial temperature and surrounding temperature respectively.


Comparing eq.1 with given relation we get,

\(\frac{{T - \;\alpha }}{\beta } = {e^{ - \gamma \tau }}\)

\(\gamma = \frac{{hA}}{{\rho Vc}}\)

\({\rm{Time\;constant}} = \frac{{\rho Vc}}{{hA}}\)

\(\therefore {\rm{Time\;constant}} = \frac{1}{\gamma }\)