In intra-personal communication:

In intra-personal communication:
| In intra-personal communication:

A. sender sends and receives the message

B. sender sends and another receiver receives the message

C. sender sends and two receivers receive the message

D. sender sends and the group receives the message

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Right Answer is: A


Communication: Communication is transferring or conveying a message to a target group. It is constituted of three things, sender, communication channel, and receiver. Based on the number of participants engaged in the communication process it can be classified into four, intra-personal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, and mass communication. In the case of intrapersonal communication, the sender sends and receives the message.

Intra-personal Communication:

  • Communication within an individual.
  • In this case, the sender and receiver are the same.
  • Some of the intrapersonal skills are self-discipline, playfulness, delay of gratification, etc.
  • Intrapersonal communication is mainly concerned with thought and analysis but not the sharing of ideas  
  • It includes individual reflection, meditation, contemplation, and even praying to god
  • The used media are mind, audio recordings, written records, etc.
  • We conceptualize and formulate our thoughts before we indulge
  • For example, 'Oh my God', 'wow', 'thank God', etc.

Types of communication Definition Example
Mass Communication
  • Communicate with a large number of people
  • It is designed to reach the larger part of the society
  • TV, Radio, Newspaper
  • Advertisement, Film
Group Communication
  • Communication between a number of people have a common interest or goal
  • The factors common educational background, religion, language, economic status, profession, etc.
  • It is related to a leader and members of the group
  • Project meeting
  • gatekeeping
  • playgroups
Interpersonal Communication
  • It is a communication between two persons
  • It is dynamic in nature and has greater scope for 'Grapevine'
  • It is more effective because immediate feedback can be given
  • Close proximity present between sender and receiver
  • Depends on interpersonal relationship, emotional appeal, status, role skill, etc.
  • Face to face communication,
  • private discussion