In the circuit shown, the silicon BJT has β = 50. Assume V BE = 0

In the circuit shown, the silicon BJT has β = 50. Assume V BE = 0

In the circuit shown, the silicon BJT has β = 50. Assume VBE = 0.7 V and VCE(sat) = 0.2 V. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A. For R<sub style="">C</sub> = 1 k&Omega;, the BJT operates in the saturation region

B. For R<sub style="">C</sub> = 3 k&Omega;, the BJT operates in the saturation region

C. For R<sub style="">C</sub> = 20 k&Omega;, the BJT operates in the cut-off region

D. For R<sub style="">C</sub> = 20 k&Omega;, the BJT operates in the linear region

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B



In the linear region:

IC = β IB

VBE = 0.7 V

Applying KVL from the base to the emitter ground, we get:

\({I_B} = \frac{{{V_{i\;}} - {V_{BE}}}}{{{R_B}}}\) 


\({V_{CE}} = {V_{CC}} - {I_C}{R_C}\) 

Where IC is collector current, IB is base current, Vi is the supply for the base, VCC is the supply for the collector, RB is a base resistor, RC is collector resistor & β is transistor gain.

In the saturation region, the above relation doesn’t hold.


Assuming that the transistor is operating in the linear region, we get the base current as:

\({I_B} = \frac{{5 - 0.7}}{{50\; \times\; {{10}^3}}} = 86\;\mu A\) 

IC = 50 × 86 = 4.3 mA

If RC = 3 KΩ then,

\({V_{CE}} = 10 - 4.3 \times {10^{ - 3}} \times 3*{10^3}\) 

\({V_{CE}} = - 2.9\;V\) 

The negative value of VCE indicates that the transistor is in saturation.

Important Points/Short Tricks:

  • Always assume initially that the transistor is in the linear region and then proceed for calculations.
  • Alternatively, you can calculate the collector current I­C assuming the transistor to be in the saturation and then calculate base current as done above.
  • If IC < βIB, then the transistor is in saturation.