In the social structure of ancient India who were called ‘Anirvas

In the social structure of ancient India who were called ‘Anirvas
| In the social structure of ancient India who were called ‘Anirvasit’?

A. Brahmin and Kshatriya

B. Vaishyas and Shudras

C. Only Shudras

D. People outside Varna

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Right Answer is: C


The correct answer is Only Shudras.

  • Shudras were called as ‘Anirvasit’.

In ancient India, society was divided into four parts (varnas):

  1. Brahmins
  2. Kshatriyas
  3. Vaisyas
  4. Shudras. 
  • The first social class was the Brahmins (Priests, Teachers, and Intellectuals). 
  • The second social class was the Kshatriyas (Warriors, Police, and Administrators).
  • The third social class was the vaishyas are the productive class i.e (Farmers, Merchants, and Business People).
  • The last social class was the Shudras (Artisans and Workers).
    • Nirvasita shudra means a Shudra living in the village community. 
    • Anirvasit Shudra means Shudra living in outside the village community.