Origin of internet can be traced from?

Origin of internet can be traced from?
| Origin of internet can be traced from?

A. ARPAnet

B. Radio networks

C. Satellite networks

D. Indian army networks

E. Air Force networks

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Right Answer is: A


The correct answer is ARPAnet


  • The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP.


  • ARPAnet began development in 1966 by the United States ARPA. ARPANET was a Wide Area Network linking many Universities and research centers was first to use packet switching and were the beginning of what we consider the Internet today. ARPANET was created to make it easier for people to access computers, improve computer equipment, and to have a more effective communication method for the military.
  • ARPANET started when the first two nodes were established between UCLA and SRI (Stanford Research Institute) in 1969 followed shortly after that by UCSB and the University of Utah.
  • ARPANET completed its transition to TCP/IP on January 2, 1983, was later replaced by NSFNET in 1990, and then decommissioned on February 28, 1990.