Out of the given four options, tick the correct option.

Out of the given four options, tick the correct option.
| Out of the given four options, tick the correct option.

A. He is coming to visit us for an hour only.

B. He is come to visit us for an hour only.

C. He is coming to visit us for a hour only.

D. None of the above

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: A


The correct answer is option 1), i.e., 'He is coming to visit us for an hour only.' 


  • An action that is going on at the time of speaking, comes in Present Continuous Tense.
  • Also, for the events that will take place in the near future, Present Continuous Tense is used.
    • E.g.: My brother is going to Singapore tomorrow.
  • The article 'an'  is used only before vowel sounds. 'a, e, i, o, u' do not necessarily produce a vowel sound. 

Sometimes, some events are going on at the time of speaking but we cannot see them, they too come in Present Continuous Tense.

  • E.g.: The Earth is degrading.
  • E.g.: Population is increasing at an alarming rate.

Present Continuous rules:

  • Sub + is/am/are + (not) +  V1 + 'ing' + obj.
  •  (Interrogative): Is/Am/Are + Sub + (not) + V1 + ing + obj?


                                      Isn't/Aren't + Sub + V1 + ing + obj?

If the statement deals with a routine actionSimple Present Tense is used and not Present Continuous Tense. But if the work is just a temporary routine action, Present Continuous is used.

  • E.g.: His mother is working in a hospital. 
             His mother works in a hospital. 
  • E.g.: Currently, I am studying Physics.


'An' is used before a word pronounced with an initial vowel sound.
  • 'Union' is pronounced 'Yoonion', there is no initial vowel sound so it does not require 'an'. However 'umbrella' is pronounced with an initial vowel sound so the correct form would be 'an umbrella'.