Question 106Solve the followingKusum buys some chocolat

Question 106Solve the followingKusum buys some chocolat

Question 106

Solve the following

Kusum buys some chocolates at the rate of Rs. 10 per chocolate. She also buys an equal number of candies at the rate of Rs. 5 per candy. She makes a 20% profit on chocolates and 8% profit on candies. At the end of the day, all chocolates and candies are sold out and her profit is Rs. 240. Find the number of chocolates purchased.

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is:


Let Kusum purchased x chocolates.
Then, total cost of chocolates=Rs. 10x
Similarly, she purchased x candies.
Then, total cost of candies=Rs.5x
According to the question,
Profit on chocolates =20% of 10x=20100×10x=Rs.2x
and profit on candies=8% of 5x=8100×5x=Rs.0.4x
Total profit =2x+0.4x=Rs.2.4x
But it is given that total profit is Rs. 240.
Again, according to the question, 
Hence, he purchased 100 chocolates.