Question 15Sweety runs around a square park of side 75

Question 15Sweety runs around a square park of side 75

Question 15

Sweety runs around a square park of side 75 m. Bulbul runs around a rectangular park with a length of 60 m and breadth 45 m. Who covers less distance?

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is:


Distance covered by Bulbul = Perimeter of the rectangular park.

Distance covered by Bulbul = 2×(length + breadth).

                                              = 2×(60 + 45).

                                              = 2×105 = 210 m.

Distance covered by Sweety = Perimeter of the square park.

Distance covered by Sweety = 4×side length

                                               = 4×75 = 300 m.

Since  210 m < 300 m.

Therefore, Bulbul covered lesser distance.