Question 7Aakash bought vegetables weighing 10 kg Out o

Question 7Aakash bought vegetables weighing 10 kg Out o

Question 7

Aakash bought vegetables weighing 10 kg. Out of this 3 kg 500 g in onions, 2 kg 75 g is tomatoes and the rest is potatoes. What is the weight of the potatoes?

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Right Answer is:


We know that 1000 g = 1 kg

1 g = 11000 kg

3 kg 500 g =3 kg + 500 g=3 kg + 1 g×500 =3 kg + 11000 kg ×500 = 3.500 kg

2 kg 75 g =2 kg + 75 g=2 kg + 1 g×75 =2 kg + 11000 kg ×75 = 2.075 kg

Weight of onions                               = 3 kg 500 g = 3.500 kg

Weight of tomatoes                           = 2 kg 75 g = 2.075 kg

Total weight of onions and tomatoes = 3.500 + 2.075


Total weight of onions and tomatoes = 5.575 kg

Therefore, weight of potatoes           = 10.000 – 5.575


Thus, the weight of potatoes is 4.425 kg.