Qus1 Rekha and Meeta can weave a sweater in 12 daysMeet

Qus1 Rekha and Meeta can weave a sweater in 12 daysMeet

Qus1. Rekha and Meeta can weave a sweater in 12 days ,Meeta and Payal in 15 days, Payal and Rekha in 20 days. In how many days will they weave it, if they weave together ? In how many days will each of them weave, if they weave it alone?

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Right Answer is:


regha =a 

meetha =b 

payal = c

meera = d 

 Rekha and Meeta can weave a sweater in 12 days

ie    a &b = 12 days 
a+b = 12 --------------------------equation (1) 

Meeta and Payal in 15 days

ie  b&c = 15

b+c = 15------------------------------------(2)
Payal and Rekha in 20 days. 

ie a &c = 20 days 

a+c = 20 -----------------------------------(3)

combining (1)  and (2)

a+b = 12  
b+c = 15 
3= c-a ------(4) 

now combining (2) and (3) [(3)-(2)]

b+c = 15
a+c = 20
5= a-b ---------------(5) 

comparing the (5) and (1) 

5= a-b
17= 2a 


apply this in (1) 

a+b =12 

17/2+b =10 
b= 10-7/2 
   = 13/2 days 

now apply this in (2) 

b+c = 15 

13/2+c =15 
c= 15-13/2 
   = 17/2 

if the work all together 

= a+b+c = 17/2+13/2+17/2 = 47/2 days 
they weave it alone

days taken by a =17/2 days 

days taken by b= 13/2 days 

days taken byc = 17/2 days