Reality for scientific research exists in the :

Reality for scientific research exists in the :
| Reality for scientific research exists in the :

A. Opinions

B. Empirical world

C. Assumptions

D. Notions

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Right Answer is: B


Research is a systematic way of investigation, a process of discovering new knowledge. A research strategy is ideally a research model of conducting research that can be verified by the research community.

Scientific research:

  • Scientific research is the systematic investigation of existing scientific theories and hypotheses.
  • The hypothesis of scientific research supports evidence
  • It involves a sequence of procedures- a collection of data, organization of data, and analysis of it. 
  • Scientists undertake research and try to find their causes, explanation, solution, and application.
  • This kind of research maintains a cycle. Formulation of a research question - make a proper study designed -  empirical study - analysis of data - draws conclusions - publishes the results.


The scientific study requires real-life experiences. Science deals with experiments and its results and the data should be collected from the real world. That means the reality of scientific research relies on the empirical world.


Opinion: it is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Assumptions: a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.

Notions: a conception, belief, impulse, or desire about something.