Six persons are seated around a hexagonal table. Anup is seated o

Six persons are seated around a hexagonal table. Anup is seated o
| Six persons are seated around a hexagonal table. Anup is seated opposite Belal, who is between Chirag and Derek. Anup is between Ela and Farook. Ela is to the left of Derek. Which of the following pairs is facing each other?

A. Ela and Farook

B. Derek and Ela

C. Chirag and Ela

D. Chirag and Derek

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: C


Arranging them according to the given information,

Anup is seated opposite Belal, who is between Chirag and Derek.


Anup is between Ela and Farook.

Ela is to the left of Derek.

Here, Case 2 is eliminated.

Ela and Chirag are facing each other.

Hence, “Ela and Chirag” is the correct answer.