The basic motivation behind the development of digital modulation

The basic motivation behind the development of digital modulation
| The basic motivation behind the development of digital modulation techniques is

A. to develop a digital communication field 

B. to institute methods for translating the digital message from baseband to passband

C. to develop digitized versions of analog modulation schemes

D. to improve upon pulse modulation schemes 

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Right Answer is: B


  • Since the original digital data always present in low-frequency range so it can not be transmitted from one place to another place.
  • Hence to overcome this problem some important digital modulation techniques are developed which main purpose is to translate the digital message from baseband (low frequency) to high frequency (i.e. passband) for reliable communication.

In digital Communication, to transmit a digital message from one place to another place mainly two techniques are used:

  • Baseband digital transmission
  • Passband digital transmission

Baseband digital transmission: It is only capable of Transmission of digital data in the low-frequency range.

Passband digital transmission: It is only capable of transmission of digital data in the high-frequency range.