The duration of the ignition lag in an engine depends on the fact

The duration of the ignition lag in an engine depends on the fact
| The duration of the ignition lag in an engine depends on the factors like

A. chemical nature of fuel

B. mixture ratio

C. electrode gap

D. all the above

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Right Answer is: D



Ignition lag:

  • Ignition lag (the time lag between first igniting of fuel and the commencement of the main phase of combustion) is not a period of inactivity but is a chemical process.
  • The ignite lag in terms of crank angles is 10° and 20° and in terms of time is 0.0015 seconds.
The duration of ignition lag depends on the following factors:


  • The higher the self-ignition temperature of the fuel, the longer the ignition lag.

Mixture ratio: 

  • Ignition lag is the smallest for the mixture ratio which gives the maximum temperature. This mixture ratio is somewhat richer than the stoichiometric ratio.

Initial temperature and pressure: 

  • Ignition lag are reduced if the initial temperature and pressure are increased (and these can be increased by increasing the compression ratio).


  • Ignition lag is not much affected by the turbulence.