The following limits are specified in a limit system, to give a c

The following limits are specified in a limit system, to give a c

The following limits are specified in a limit system, to give a clearance fit between a hole and a shaft:

\(Hole = 25_{ - 0.01}^{ + 0.02}\;mm\;and\;shaft = 25_{ - 0.02}^{ - 0.004}\;mm\)

Determine tolerance on a shaft.     

A. 0.012 mm

B. 0.016 mm

C. 0.018 mm

D. 0.014 mm

Please scroll down to see the correct answer and solution guide.

Right Answer is: B


Upper limit of shaft = 25 - 0.004 = 24.996

Lower Limit of shaft = 25 - 0.02 = 24.98

Tolerance = Upper limit of shaft – Lower limit of shaft = 24.996 – 24.98 = 0.016